Plenary Session-Room 108: ISSF 5th International Symposium on Shallow Flows
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Opening ceremony and Plenary Lecture 1 (by Prof. Joseph Lee) has ended now. Please select a session from above for parallel technical sessions. There will be more plenary lectures on mornings and afternoons during Oct. 23-25. Please come back to this page later for more excellent talks.

To watch playback video, click "Playback" (as illustrated in the image below), click the video from list and enjoy.

The 5th International Symposium on Shallow Flows (5th ISSF) is a follow-up of earlier  shallow-flow meetings in Delft (NL, 2003), Hong Kong (CHN, 2008), Iowa City (USA, 2012) and Eindhoven (NL, 2017). ISSF is the major meeting event in the area of environmental fluid mechanics and hydraulics, attracting primarily participants from academia and from environmental research institutes. The 5th ISSF is organized under auspices of the Fluid Mechanics Committee of the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research IAHR.

All sessions, including the opening ceremony on October 23, all the plenary lectures and all the 4 parallel sessions (Session A, B, C, D) during October 23-25 will be livestreamed. For the complete program of this event, please visit its official website.


Livestreaming Program

(NOT including the parallel sessions)
(All in local Standard China Time, UTC+8)

Saturday, October 23, 2021

08:00-08:30 Opening Ceremony
Chaired by Prof. Lu Chunhui

  •  » Prof. Zheng Jinhai | Vice President of Hohai University

  •  » Prof. Li Yun | Vice President of Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute

  •  » Prof. Zhang Jianyun | Committee Chair of Symposium

  •  » Prof. Joseph Hun-Wei Lee | President of IAHR

  •  » Prof. Vladimir Nikora | Chair of Fluid Mechanics Committee of IAHR

08:30-09:15 Plenary Lecture (Chaired by Prof. Li Yun)

  •  » Prof. Joseph Hun-Wei Lee: The WATERMAN system for daily beach water quality forecasting – a ten-year retrospective

14:00-14:45 Plenary Lecture (Chaired by Prof. Xia Junqiang)

  •  » Prof. Marcel Stive: The sand engine: a nature-inspired answer to sea level rise

Sunday, October 24, 2021

08:30-09:15 Plenary Lecture (Chaired by Prof. Sun Hongguang)

  •  » Prof. Levent Kavvas: Modeling the unsteady open channel flow in time-space under uncertainty

14:00-14:45 Plenary Lecture (Chaired by Prof. Zhang Jisheng)

  •  » Prof. Vladimir Nikora: Open-channel flow turbulence: interplay of coherent structures, energy cascade, and secondary flows

Monday, October 25, 2021

08:30-09:15 Plenary Lecture (Chaired by Prof. Yu Zhongbo)

  •  » Prof. Joe Fernando: Shallow-flow waves in equatorial atmosphere and oceans

14:00-14:45 Plenary Lecture (Chaired by Prof. Liu Haijiang)

  •  » Prof. Xin Pei: Interaction between surface water and groundwater in salt marshes

For more details about this symposium, please visit

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