Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology

Graduated from Seoul National University with BA, MA, MS and doctoral degrees on geography, geomorphology, and hydro-engineering, Dr. Chanjoo Lee is now a senior researcher in the River Experiment Center, Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology (KICT). He was also a visiting researcher at Deltares in 2016, and a guest researcher there during 2019-2020. Since 1997 when he received his master’s degree, his major is fluvial geomorphology based on field work. He finished my Ph.D. degree in 2018 with the dissertation titled as “Analysis on long-term channel change of the Naeseong Stream.” His main interests are focused on dynamics and changes of rivers which are inevitably under engineered controls. Historical changes of rivers corresponding to dam construction, flow regime change and watershed land-use in the 20th century is his present concern.