Hydro-Environment Pathways to Carbon Neutrality
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Hydro-Environment Pathways to Carbon Neutrality

Time in different zones

This webinar starts at 12noon UTC | 8pm Beijing | 8am New York | Wednesday, May 18, 2022


Nations from around the world representing 90% of global GDP have all committed to achieving carbon neutrality. The water sector plays a significant role, as a contributor to Green House Gas emissions (GHG’s) and also by presenting opportunities. This Global Online Dialogue seeks to improve our understanding on the issues, innovations and solutions in the water sector in order to help nations and societies to achieve carbon neutrality. The presentations will provide expert insight into the practical application of technical and scientific knowledge or the identification of best practices across key areas such as:

  • Water-related renewable energies / water for energy

  • Realising energy (and water) efficiencies

  • Reducing water related GHG emissions and increasing capabilities for carbon storage

This online event seeks to lay out the challenge before us. How can engineering knowledge, science, practice and technology bring about solutions and pathways for industry and governments to achieve carbon neutrality? Where can the biggest advances be made? What are the research and engineering priorities?

Global experts from academia, private sector and government will come together to discuss and present ways that hydro-environment engineering and research can contribute to solutions and identify those agendas that will have the greatest impact for reaching net zero carbon.

Invited Speakers

Tom Soo

Joseph Hun-Wei Lee

Hyoseop Woo

Jon Lane

Tony Slatyer

Paul Pinsky

Peter Goodwin

Xin Sui

Francois Flocard

Martine Kox

Stefan Riedelbauch

Ogeuk Kwon

Un Ji



  • Tom Soo | Executive Director, IAHR

Welcome Remarks

  • Joseph H.W. Lee | President, IAHR; President, Macau University of Science and Technology, China


  • Hyoseop Woo | Vice President, IAHR; Professor, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Korea


  • Jon Lane | Co-Founder, Water Initiative for Net Zero

  • Tony Slatyer | Member, Water Policy Group

  • Paul Pinsky | Senator, State of Maryland, United States

  • Peter Goodwin | President, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, United States

  • Xin Sui | Deputy Director, Research Center on Sustainable Hydropower Development, China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, China

  • Francois Flocard | Renewable Ocean Wave Energy Exeprt, UNSW Water Research Laboratory, Australian Ocean Energy Group, Australia

  • Martine Kox | Researcher & Consultant, Deltares, The Netherlands

  • Stefan Riedelbauch | Director, Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machinery, University of Stuttgart, Germany

  • Ogeuk Kwon | General Manager, Global Planning & Engeering Dept.(Head Office), K-water, Korea

  • Un Ji | Research Fellow, KICT, Korea

More Information

  • 12noon UTC | 8pm Beijing | 8am New York | Wednesday, May 18, 2022

  • How to Participate: No application to be installed. Simply go to the LIVE Page to watch, comment and ask questions.

  • Registration: No registration needed, but we can keep you updated and reminded. You will receive a reminder 1 week, 1 day and 1 hour before the webinar starts.

  • Certificate of Participation: A link will be clickable on the LIVE page during the webinar. Anyone requesting a certificate, issued by IAHR, will have to register their request there. (Learn more)

  • Playback: Not able to watch live? Don't worry. The playback video will be available soon after the webinar.

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