IAHR Webinar on Changes in the Cryosphere and the Impact on Engineering
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IAHR Webinar on Changes in the Cryosphere and the Impact on Engineering

Friday, 2 December 2022

While the global efforts in climate change action is to culminate during the COP27 in Egypt, IAHR is making our own contributions by convening this webinar to discuss changes in the Cryosphere and the impact on engineering. Experts of climate change and ice engineering will share their research findings at this event jointly organized by the Committee on Climate Change Adaptation and the Committee on Ice Research and Engineering.  

Ice phenomena on fresh and sea waters responds sensitively to climate changes. The impact is primarily due to the globally observed rise of the average air temperature and the intensification of the variability of weather phenomena. As a result of these factors, the ice season is shorter and the ice formed on sea and inland waters becoming thinner and weaker. Additionally, for sea waters, there is a reduction in the areal extent of ice occurrence, and thinning of  perennial ice. In consequence the short term economic benefits may be achieved, but it will also bring the significant impact on Arctic ecosystem and coastal erosion. At the same time, due to the occurrence of higher variability of extreme weather conditions, the severity ice related events are not reduced and has become less predictable. For the rivers, breakups occurring in typically core winter months, results in life-threatening conditions and property damages.

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We are honored to have some of the world's top scholars and researchers in the webinar:

Marco Tedesco_130x165.jpg

Marco Tedesco

Mrs. María José Polo Gómez_130x165.jpg

María José Polo Gómez

Prof. Knut Hoyland_130x165.jpg

Knut Hoyland

Xinlei Guo_130x165.jpg

Xinlei Guo


Roberto Ranzi_130x165.jpg

Roberto Ranzi


Roberto Ranzi_130x165.jpg

Roberto Ranzi


Tomasz Kolerski

Time in different zones

This event will be held on Friday 2 December 2022 at:

  • 08:00-10:00 New York/Lima

  • 13:00-15:00 UTC

  • 14:00-16:00 Madrid/Paris

  • 21:00-23:00 Beijing/Singapore

More local time can be found by clicking here.


Introduction (10 mins)

Invited speeches

  • Changes in seasonal snowpack and impact on water resources management (20 mins) 
    Prof. María José Polo Gómez | University of Córdoba, Spain

  • Sea ice and effect of climate change and infrastructure (20 mins) 
    Prof. Knut Hoyland | Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway

  • River ice progresses and managing risks from ice-jam floods (20 mins) 
    Prof. Xinlei Guo | China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research (IWHR), China

  • Surface and atmospheric processes accelerating Greenland mass loss (20 mins) 
    Prof. Marco Tedesco | Columbia University, USA 

Discussion and Q&A (25 mins)

Concluding remarks (5 mins)

More Information

  • How to Participate: No application to be installed. Simply go to the LIVE Page to watch, comment and ask questions.

  • Registration: No registration needed, but we can keep you updated and remindedYou will receive the reminder before the webinar start 1 week, 1 day and 1 hour ago.

  • Certificate of Participation: A link will be clickable on the LIVE page during the webinar (click here to know how). Anyone requesting a certificate, issued by IAHR, will have to register their request there.

  • Playback: Not able to watch live? Don't worry. The playback video will be available soon after the webinar.

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