
IAHR Peru Young Professionals Network

About us

The IAHR Peru YPN was created as a network of young professionals and students in science and engineering who are motivated to conduct research and improve their skills in the areas of hydraulics, hydrology, water resources and their connection with other sciences such as climatology, ecology, geography, geology and related environmental sciences. The network has the support of the Peruvian Association of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering (APIHA).

Our mission is to forge a group of highly committed professionals dedicated to promoting the involvement of young people in the integrated management of water resources in Peru and to proposing solutions to different issues where water both plays an essential role and is vulnerable. Our vision is to form a highly competent network capable of fostering future professionals who will contribute to different disciplines, policies, and decision-making in our country.

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  • IAHR Peru Young Professionals Network - 2021 Annual report of activities 

  • Join the IAHR Peru YPN Water Journal Club (in Spanish)

    The IAHR Peru YPN has launched a Water Journal Club, an online space for discussion where young professionals and students will be able to share, present, and discuss scientific papers and/or book chapters and sections. The aim is to develop critical thinking and analytical skills among the YPN members as well as to identify research projects to be submitted to relevant journals.

  • 21 May 2021 | 5 to 9 pm (GMT -5:00). Conference series: Advances in the study of hyperconcentrated, mud, and debris flows 

    In May, we offered our young professionals and international audience a very fruitful event with invited experts in the area of torrential hydraulics and hyper-concentrated flows. They presented studies and challenges in research on non-water rheologies, discussed the importance of sediments in their dynamics, and highlighted some tools and approaches for their modelling. All of this will be of great importance for risk management and the design of attenuation and retention measures. Full recording.

  • 16 April 2021 | 6 p.m. (GMT -5:00). Webinar: Water resources management in transboundary basins, case Peru-Ecuador

    Our invited professional, Sebastían Izquierdo, a consultant for UNDP, United Nations, told us about his experiences and the challenges in the integrated management of transboundary watersheds between Peru and Ecuador. Full recording.

  • 2 April 2021 | 6 p.m. (GMT -5:00). Keynote Lecture: Alternative assessment for capacity recovery of Poechos, the largest water reservoir in Peru.

    This event was also a part of "The Water Journal Club" project, where our invited lecturer was Dr. Samuel Quisca, a professor at San Marcos National Major University of Peru; he explained the context of our largest reservoir located in the north of our country, which is threatened by progressive sedimentation due to poor land use practices in the upstream basin, a problem that has been aggravated by the latest El Niño events (1998-2017) and climate change. Some alternatives for efficient sediment management and control were described. Full recording.

  • 26 March 2021 | 5 p.m. (GMT -5:00). Keynote Lecture: Disparity of hydroclimatic change in Peruvian Pacific watersheds

    This event was a part of "The Water Journal Club" project, where our invited lecturer was Dr. Pedro Rau, a professor at UTEC University, who is working on the study of climatic characteristics and changes in the hydrological response of watersheds in the Pacific drainage. Full recording

  • 22 March 2021 | 8 p.m. (GMT -5:00). Conference Series: World Water Day - "Water value: Context and challenges in Peru"

    22 March was a key day for our network and will be remembered for the tremendous success of our livestream. Our audience was fascinated by the lectures of experts who, on this occasion, were able to detail topics on pollution by oil spills in bodies of water in the Amazon and also on the famous "flying rivers", which are massive aerial flows of water in the form of steam that are currently increasing in speed due to global warming, and causing more intense rains. Full recording.

  • 22 March 2021 | 5 p.m. (GMT -5:00). Conference Series: World Water Day - "Water, Climate and Infrastructure"

    This event aimed to disseminate technical scopes and research results within the framework of World Water Day, with a focus on water resources, climatic variability, and infrastructure. The event was attended by renowned professionals in Latin America in the science and engineering of water, providing our audience with a space for consultation and knowledge updates. One more achievement for our network! Full recording

  • 3 February 2021 | 5 p.m. (GMT -5:00). Opening event: Python and R Programming for water resources - Intermediate level

    Since the end of 2020, a series of sessions and training sessions have been given by the YPN Peru network to a large group of young professionals and scientists from different networks in Latin America, with the aim of developing criteria and skills in the use of the programming languages R and Python, and focusing on the analysis of hydrometeorological data, statistical hydrology, hydrological modelling, and environmental flows. The topics of machine learning as well as big data in hydrology and climatology were covered at the advanced level. Julio Montenegro, the main instructor currently based in Belgium, expressed his satisfaction on behalf of IAHR YPN Perú that so many students have the goal and ambition to carry out their thesis or university assignments applying these languages to the development of scripts and efficient tools. More details.

  • IAHR Peru Young Professionals Network - 2020 Annual report of activities

  • 26 December 2020 | 4 p.m. (GMT -5:00)Webinar: Chronology of deglaciation in the Peruvian Andes and its paleoclimatic interpretations

    The webinar was organized around the lecture of an expert scientist in this area, Dr. José Úbeda Palenque, who is the coordinator of the CRYOPERU programme and leader of the project "Speleology and Mountain Guides" in Spain, where our president, Julio Montenegro, also collaborates as a research scientist. During this event several different topics and findings were discussed, all related to the geomorphology of glacial areas, cosmogenic dating in different cases in Peru, and the impacts of climate change on these bodies and vital water reserves that are progressively becoming very vulnerable to the increase in global temperatures and other factors. Full recording 

  • 19-20 December 2020 | 2 p.m. (GMT -5). Forum: Experiences and opportunities in water resources for postgraduate studies abroad

    The forum aimed to share experiences among young professionals from the YPN network and from Peru who were studying at universities in Europe and other parts of the world. Sources of scholarships and grants, as well as a catalogue of different master's programmes in water resources, hydrology, hydraulics, and climate sciences were  presented.

    Full recording-1 

    Full recording-2 

  • 26-28 November 2020 | 5 p.m. (GMT -5). Cycle of conferences on glaciers and climate change – Ciclo de conferencias sobre glaciers y cambio climático.

    This cycle of conferences, organised by IAHR Peru YPN in collaboration with other young professionals networks, is a great opportunity for young professionals, students, and interested people to learn more about this important issue. Este ciclo de conferencias, organizada por la IAHR Peru YPN, brindará la oportunidad a jóvenes profesionales, estudiantes y personas interesadas en estos temas de conocer a sus pares y aprender más sobre glaciares y el impacto sufrido por estos debido al cambio climático. Full recording.

  • 26 October 2020 | 5 p.m. (GMT -5). Training online course: Python and R programming applied to water resources - Programación en R y Python orientada a recursos hídrícos. This course aims to increase knowledge of R and Python programming languages and about their applications in hydrology, hydraulics and in water science and engineering in general. This training session will allow participants to get familiar with these programming languages, create their own scripts and use them in numerical modeling interfaces to optimise hydrological simulations, perform geospatial time-series analysis or evaluate modelling outputs of surface and groundwater flows.

  • 17 October 2020 | 4 p.m. (GMT -5). Webinar: Numerical modelling applied to studies of maritime hydraulics and coastal processes - Modelización numérica aplicada a estudios de hidráulica marítima y procesos costeros.

  • 14 October 2020 | 5 p.m. (GMT -5). Webinar: Modelling river water temperature as a sustainable ecological indicator (based on energy balance with SWAT tool) -  Modelización de la temperatura del agua de los ríos como indicador ecológico sostenible (basado en el balance de energía con SWAT Soil water asessment tool).

  • 26 September 2020 | 10 a.m. (GMT -5). Online conference: The cybernetic water balance - El balance hídrico cibernético.

  • 25 September 2020 | 5 p.m. (GMT -5). Webinar: Implementation of a combined hydraulic-hydrological model for flood risk assessment – Construcción de un modelo combinado hidráulico (qgis+mascaret) e hidrológico (athys+plathynes) para la prevención de riesgos de inundaciones.

  • 23 September 2020 | 6 p.m. (GMT -5). Webinar: Experimental and numerical studies of mud and debris flows - Estudios experimentales y numéricos de flujo de lodos y escombros.

  • 12 September 2020 | 10 a.m. (GMT -5). Webinar: Optimization of hydraulic structures and computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) - Dinámica de fluidos computacional en la optimización del diseño de obras hidráulicas. Full recording.

  • 5 September 2020 | 5 p.m. (GMT -5). Webinar: Google Earth Engine applied to water resources - Google Earth Engine aplicado a los recursos hídricos. Google Earth Engine combines a multi-petabyte catalogue of satellite imagery and geospatial datasets with planetary-scale analysis capabilities and makes it available for scientists, researchers, and developers to detect changes, map trends, and quantify differences on the Earth's surface. During this webinar, César Aybar Camacho Saturday spoke about its application to water resources management. 

  • 22 August 2020. Webinar: IAHR Latin American Journal of Young Researchers and Professionals - Revista hidrolatinoamericana de jóvenes profesionales. Full recording of the webinar

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Leadership Team
Public Relations officer
YPN Advisor
Julio Isaac Montenegro Gambini

Delft University of Technology (TU Delft)


Name Organization Country
IAHR Peru Young Professionals Network
IAHR Perú Young Professionals Network
YPN Perú
Pan American Silver
Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería
pontificia universidad catolica del peru
Delft University of Technology (TU Delft)
YPN Perú
Universidad de Ingeniería y Tecnología
Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego
Autoridad Nacional del Agua
IAHR Peru Young Professionals Network

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