IAHR World Congress

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A stimulating opportunity to meet, share and discuss recent advances and experiences, identify innovative and emerging trends in hydro-environmental science and engineering, and get inspired.


Celebrated every two years, IAHR World Congresses are one of the most important activities of the association and attract more than a thousand participants from all over the world. The Congresses provide scientists, engineers, organisations, central and local authorities, companies, and young professionals early in their careers with a stimulating opportunity to meet, share and discuss recent advances and experiences, identify innovative and emerging trends in hydro-environmental science and engineering, and get inspired.

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IAHR World Congress


41st IAHR World Congress "Innovative Water Engineering for Sustainable Development"

41st IAHR World Congress "Innovative Water Engineering for Sustainable Development"
22-27 June 2025. Singapore

The 41st IAHR World Congress will focus on the importance of innovative water engineering towards meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and targets related to water resources.

The Congress will showcase the role of expert knowledge by the hydro-environment engineering community to the implementation of innovation solutions to meet the SDGs, and share insights on research, technology and innovations that will create significant impact to tackle global challenges such as climate change and sea level rise.

First announcement  Second announcement  Website  Video collection  

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My first IAHR world congress was an amazing experience, it was an honour to be selected as a finalist of the John F. Kennedy Student Paper Competition and to present many of the findings of my first year of PhD in front of so many outstanding researchers. Happy also to have met many talented young researchers involved in water sciences, I hope to see you all in Vienna IAHR2023.

Simone Pagliara, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

IAHR association connects our scientific community at the highest level, above universities and institutes. To me that is the essence of an international research association. During these days in Granada there has been an immense exchange on main hydro-environment aspects as a result of the reunion between colleagues from all regions, ages and cultures. The World Congress provides this ideal framework and this 39th edition has been a great success.

David Ferras, IHE Delft, The Netherlands

My first IAHR congress was amazing. In Granada, I have met my peers from every side of the world, sharing their knowledge and discoveries in water sciences. I also presented my #phd #research in front of this outstanding audience and received good feedback and useful tips. See you at the IAHR2023.

Daniele Catucci, University of Nottingham, UK

What a conference the IAHR World Congress in Granada!! I'm still recovering... It was a pleasure to meet old and new colleagues, share the initial results of my postdoc research, and lead the fun activity within the #YPNight with the rest of the directive of the SpainYPN.

Manuel Regueiro, Universidade da Coruña, Spain

This conference was fantastic—I met many amazing scientists and engineers who I can now call friends, and maybe even collaborate with in the future.

Hannah Spero, University of Notre Dame, USA

I've met a lot of outstanding engineers, scientists and enthusiast young professionals, that opened my mind with their inspiring presentations and posters. It was nice to see that in this crucial moment for the water sector, research community and design industry are working together to deliver a better world to the next generations.

Matteo Ventura, Italferr spa, Italy

Last week, I took part to the 39th IAHR World Congress in Grenada (Spain). This was my first in-person international conference and the perfect opportunity to meet some of the best researchers in the water field. Also, I created connexions with other research institutes and made great new friends.

Vincent Schmidtz, University of Liège, Belgium

I am flattered to have attended the sessions and share my work with high level academics and experienced professionals.

Marcelo Ruiz, Universitu of Padua, Italy

It was a pleasure to present part of my Ph.D. activities at the IAHR World Congress in Granada and an honor to be selected for the final round of the John F. Kennedy competition, where I met so many talented young researchers involved in water sciences.

Melissa Latella, Politechnic of Turin, Italy

Just leaving Granada, but really beautiful experience at IAHR World Congress, with nice presentations and cool exchanges with many researchers there. Hope to replicate soon!

Matteo Postacchini, Universita Politecnica della Marche, Italy

I enjoyed immensely the IAHR World Congress in Granada. After being an IAHR member for 33 years, that was my first World Congress.

David C. Froehlich, Ph.D., P.E., D.WRE, USA

It was a real pleasure to attend and present our research with my research group at the 39th IAHR World Congress in Granada. It has also been inspiring and enlightening to meet pioneer researchers and to listen to the interesting work presented.

Tewelde Hagos Gebremedhin, PhD candidate in Civil and Environmental Engineering, Ethiopia

The 39th IAHR World Congress was my first in-person international conference and the perfect opportunity to meet some of the best researchers in the water field. Also, I created connections with other research institutes and made great new friends.

Fawaz Alzabari, Cardiff University School of Engineering, UK

The 39th IAHR World Congress has been a unique experience both from a scientific and social point of view. Several key note lectures and high level panels have been very inspiring. Thanks to the sociable environment, I had the chance to meet and speak to several peers and mature researchers. It was interesting to discuss our projects and ideas at the congress, as well as have informal chats while enjoying tapas after a long day. Granada was the perfect framework for this conference. The beauty of the city made my stay even more pleasant!

Tommaso Attili, University of Nottingham, Faculty of Engineering 

Like most of the other PhD students I met at the congress, this was my first in-person conference. For me, it was a fantastic experience. The opportunity to present among other exemplary speakers from diverse backgrounds and the additional attention this garnered all helped me in my time at the conference introducing me to a wide variety of people both young and experienced professionals. The conference experience was excellent, with the city of Granada offering vast amounts of scenery, good food, tapas, and culture. I am very glad to have gotten the opportunity to meet so many interesting and impressive people at the congress having made friends and connections I hope to hold on to going forward, perhaps we will all see each other next year in Vienna!

Nicolas Hanousek, Cardiff University School of Engineering, UK

I had the pleasure to attend the 39th congress of International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR) in Granada. Meeting peers from all around the world was very interesting and instructive!

Juliette Mullineaux, Cardiff University School of Engineering, UK

I had an amazing time at the IAHR 2022 World Congress in Granada last week. Additionally, the weather and food in Granada was fantastic. All in all the conference was a big success. 

Samuel Rowley, Cardiff University School of Engineering, UK

 Previous Congresses and Proceedings

IAHR World Congress Proceedings are indexed in Scopus, the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature Read more

Access the collection of World Congress Proceedings 

  • 40th IAHR World Congress "Rivers - connecting mountains an coasts"

    21-25 August 2023. Vienna, Austria

    Proceedings | Outcome statement | Pictures Opening and awards ceremony Keynotes Awards and gala dinner | Video collection | Website | Closing report video | Congress report published in Hydrolink | Awards

  • 39th IAHR World Congress "From Snow to Sea"

    19-24 June 2022. Granada, Spain

    Proceedings | Outcome statement | PicturesDay 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6 | Video collection | Programme39th IAHR World Congress Photo Gallery | Congress report published in Hydrolink | Awards

  • 38th IAHR World Congress "Water Connecting the World"

    1-6 September 2019. Panama City, Panama


  • 37th IAHR World Congress "Learning from the Past for the Future"

    13-18 August 2017. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


  • 36th IAHR World Congress "Deltas of the Future (and what happens upstream)"

    28 June - 3 July 2015. The Hague, The Netherlands


  • 35th IAHR World Congress "The Wise Find Pleasure in Water"

    8-13 September 2013. Chengdu, China


  • 34th IAHR World Congress "Balance and Uncertainty - Water in a Changing World"

    26 June - 1 July 2011. Brisbane, Australia

  • Proceedings

  • 33rd IAHR World Congress "Water Engineering for a Sustainable Environment"

    9-14 August 2009. Vancouver, Canada


  • 32nd IAHR World Congress "Harmonizing the Demands of Art and Nature in Hydraulics"

    1-6 July 2007. Venice, Italy


  • 31th IAHR World Congress "Water Engineering for the Future-Choices and Challenges"

    11-16 September 2005. Seoul, Korea


  • 30th IAHR World Congress "Water Engineering and Research in a Learning Society: Modern Developments and Traditional Concepts"

    24-29 August 2003. Thessaloniki, Greece


  • 29th IAHR World Congress "21st Century: The New Era For Hydraulic Research"

    16-21 September 2001. Beijing, China


  • 28th IAHR World Congress "Hydraulic Engineering for Sustainable Water Resources Management at the Turn of the Millenium"

    22-27 August 1999. Graz, Austria


  • 27th IAHR World Congress "Water For A Changing Global Community"

    10-15 August 1997. San Francisco, USA


  • 26th IAHR World Congress

    11-15 September 1995. London, UK


  • 25th IAHR World Congress

    30 August - 9 September 1993. Tokyo, Japan

  • 24th IAHR World Congress

    9-13 September 1991. Madrid, Spain

  • 23rd IAHR World Congress

    21-25 August 1989. Ottawa, Canada

  • 22nd IAHR World Congress

    31 August - 4 September 1987. Lausanne, Switzerland

  • 21st IAHR World Congress

    13-18 August 1985. Melbourne, Australia

  • 20th IAHR World Congress

    5-9 September 1983. Moscow, Russia

  • 19th IAHR World Congress

    2-7 February 1981. New Delhi, India

  • 18th IAHR World Congress "Hydraulic Engineering in Water Resources Development and Management"

    10-14 September 1979. Cagliari, Italy

  • 17th IAHR World Congress "Hydraulic Engineering for Improved Water Management"

    15-19 August 1977. Baden, Germany

  • 16th IAHR World Congress

    27 July-1 August 1975. Sao Paulo, Brazil

  • 15th IAHR World Congress "Research And Practice In The Water Environment"

    1973. Istanbul, Turkey

  • 14th IAHR World Congress

    29 August - 3 September 1971. Paris, France

  • 13th IAHR World Congress

    31 August - 5 September 1969. Kyoto, Japan

  • 12th IAHR World Congress

    11-14 September 1967. Fort Collins, Colorado, USA

  • 11th IAHR World Congress

    1965. Leningrad Russia

  • 10th IAHR World Congress

    1-5 September 1963. London, UK

  • 9th IAHR World Congress

    4-7 September 1961. Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia

  • 8th IAHR World Congress

    2-5 September 1959. Montreal Canada

  • 7th IAHR World Congress

    June 1957. Lisbon, Portugal

  • 6th IAHR World Congress

    July 1955. The Hague, The Netherlands

  • 5th IAHR World Congress

    1-4 September 1953. Minneapolis, USA

  • 4th IAHR World Congress

    2-5 March 1951. Bombay, India

  • 3rd IAHR World Congress

    1949. Grenoble, France

  • 2nd IAHR World Congress

    7-9 June 1948. Stockholm, Sweden

  • Postponed Congress

    1939. Liège, Belgium

  • 1st IAHR World Congress

    4-7 October 1938. Berlin, Germany

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