National / Regional Chapters

In an effort to enhance and promote communication and the exchange of knowledge at a national and local basis, IAHR supports the formation of National Committees. These Committees arrange workshops, produce Newsletters and make a strong effort to promote IAHR at the local community level.

China Chapter
IAHR China Chapter SecretariatChina Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research (IWHR)tel.: +86 10 6878 1672 e-mail: iahrchina@vip.163.comWebsite:
Georgia Chapter
Under Construction
Hong Kong China Chapter
Japan Chapter
Contact InformationIAHR Japan National ChapterIAHR Japan Chapter SecretariatDisaster Prevention Research InstituteKyoto Universitytel.: +81 075 611 4395e-mail:
Korea Chapter
The Korean IAHR members, established in 2007 the IAHR-Korea Chapter. The main purposes of this establishment are to promote the IAHR and IAHR-Korea activities among potential IAHR members as well as the IAHR members in Korea, to make our IAHR activities effectively by systematic maneuvers and to
Malaysia Chapter
The IAHR Malaysia Chapter was established in 2014 and its primary function is to promote and facilitate the exchange of information and ideas related to hydro-environment engineering and research. The establishment of the IAHR Malaysia Chapter and Leadership Team is the utmost importance to build a
Russia Chapter
Under Construction
Spain Chapter
#iahrSpainObjetivosLos objetivos del Capítulo Español de la Asociación  Internacional de Ingeniería e Investigación Hidro-ambiental (IAHR) serán, con carácter general los de la IAHR y, específicamente, promover, en España, la difusión del conocimiento, la investigación, el desarroll
United Kingdom Chapter
#iahrUKLatest eventsMixing Processes in Pipes, Sewers and the natural Environment. From Theory to Practice | 18-19 April 2023. University of Sheffield, United KingdomThis free-to-attend meeting provided a unique opportunity for research students, academics, researchers, environmental regul
Ethiopia Chapter
About UsAs water and environmental management will continue to be the key development challenge, Ethiopia requires strong professional association for water education, innovative research, knowledge and information management and use, national, regional and global engagements. However, till now ther

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