
Korea Chapter

The Korean IAHR members, established in 2007 the IAHR-Korea Chapter. The main purposes of this establishment are to promote the IAHR and IAHR-Korea activities among potential IAHR members as well as the IAHR members in Korea, to make our IAHR activities effectively by systematic maneuvers and to eventually promote the knowledge and experience of hydraulic engineering and research among members and thus contribute to our society with our professions.  

The main tasks of the IAHR-Korea will be as follows:

  • to organize conferences, seminars and symposiums on hydraulic engineering and research in Korea

  • to recommend key persons in Korea to IAHR and IAHR-APD organizations

  • to conduct works related to the Journal of Hydro-Environment Research (JHER) and other IAHR activities in Korea

Leadership Team
Hyoseop Woo

Inst. of Construction and Enviromental Engineering, SNU

Republic of Korea

Vice Chair
Yong-Sik Cho

Hanyang University

Republic of Korea

Sangman Jeong

Kongju National University

Republic of Korea

Il Won Seo

Seoul National University

Republic of Korea

Chang Wan Kim

RiverTek Institute

Republic of Korea

Past events

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