
IAHR Gerhard Jirka Award for Young Researchers

Founding Statement

The Gerhard Jirka Award for Young Researchers awards the best presentation given by a Young Professional during the biennial IAHR Europe Division Congress. The award recognises the quality, originality and relevance of the presentation.

The award was introduced at the 5th IAHR Europe Congress in Trento in 2018 and was created in memory of Prof. Gerhard Jirka.

List of previous winners

8th Europe Congress, Lisbon, Portugal | 2024

1st Winner
Giovanni Di Lollo, Italy for his presentation on "TKE budget equation terms of a gravity current approaching a vertical obstacle"

2nd Winner
Jelle A. Dercksen, the Netherlands for his presentation on "Effect of flow velocity on eDNA degradation for biodiversity assessment in rivers"

7th Europe Congress, Athens, Greece | 2022

1st Winner
Victoria Barcala Paolillo, The Netherlands for her presentation on "Phosphate adsorption and diffusion model into iron coated sand grains"

2nd Winner
Erica Orsi, Italy for her presentation on "The Hydrologic Performance of Green Roofs in Urban Environment: A State-Of the-Art Analysis of Select Literature"

3rd Winner
Giorgos Mitsopoulos, Greece, for his presentation on "Modelling Fish Movement Trajectories in Rivers"

6th Europe Congress, Varsaw, Poland | 2021

1st Winner
Sebastian Schwindt for "Modelling and Design Automation of Nature-based River Engineering"

2nd Winner
Melissa Latella for "An integrated methodology for the riparian vegetation modelling"

3rd Winner
Felix Beckers for "Variability in the Erosion Stability of Sediment Deposits in a Reservoir located on the Rhône River subject to Frequent Sediment Sluicing"

5th Europe Congress, Trento, Italy | 2018

1st Winner
Christian Contarino for "A holistic multi-scale mathematical model cof the murine fluid systems: understanding the pathophysiology of idiopathic intracranial hypertension" by 'C. Contarino; E. F. Toro; A. Louveau; S. Da Mesquita; D. Raper; I. Smirnov;J. Kipnis; N. Agarwalcc

2nd Winner
Robert Dorrell for "Stratification and the dynamics of gravity currents"

3rd Winner
Rémi Carmigniani for "Wave pump: SPH modeling of waves above a submerged plate" by R. Carmigniani and D. Violeau

4th Winner
Emanuele Quaranta for "Investigation of the hydrodynamic effects of bed slope in vertical slot fishways 3D numerical simulations" by E. QuarantaC. KatopodisR. Revelli and C. Comoglio

The awards were presented at the closing ceremony of the 5th IAHR Europe Congress in Trento, June 2018, by the Chair of the Local Organising Committee Prof. Aronne Armanini.

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