
IAHR Global Water Award (Organisation Category)

Founding Statement

The IAHR Global Award (organisation category) is established by the IAHR Council of 2024 to recognise the very best in the global activities and contributions of an organisation for knowledge, practice and/or innovation related to holistic water engineering.

The award is conferred biennially, in odd-numbered years, to an organisation that has demonstrated excellence in engineering research, science, technology, management and/or practice across any aspect of the overall water cycle and in the hydro-environment sector. This includes groundbreaking scientific discoveries, and/or for developing or implementing approaches or solutions that have significant impact at a global level.

Recipients must be legally registered entities and may be from academia, science or practice (utilities, consultancies, universities, research institutes, service or technology providers, government, public authorities, NGOs and civil society, national or international organisations). Candidates for the award may be members or non-members of IAHR.

Rules for the administration of the award
  • The IAHR Global Award (organisation category) will be made biennially, at the IAHR World Congress to a non-member or member of IAHR who has made exceptional contributions to the hydro-environmental aspects of engineering, science, technology, management and/or practice across any aspect of the overall water cycle and in the hydro-environment sector.

  • The awardee will be endorsed by the IAHR Council based on a recommendation by the IAHR Awards Committee, either at its meeting during the preceding even numbered year or by electronic ballot in the year of the Congress; and considering the time required to encourage the recipient to attend the IAHR World Congress where the award shall be presented.

  • The award need not be made during any biennium in which the IAHR Council considers none of the nominees to be of sufficient high quality.

  • The award consists of a physical showpiece that will state the purpose of the award and indicate the specific contribution(s) of area(s) of endeavour for which the awardee is recognised. The award includes free membership of IAHR for the coming biennium. The award is presented at a public ceremony during the IAHR World Congress, typically during the opening ceremony.

  • Wide distribution of awardees among different countries and different areas of specialisation is to be sought by the Awards Committee and by the Council.

  • The nominations should consist of a concise presentation of the organisation and a statement that highlights the organisation’s achievements related to the award. Each nomination should follow a standard format not to exceed 5 pages.

    To submit a nomination please download the form and send it to by 31 January 2025.

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