We are pleased to announce that the 4th edition of the IAHR Young Professionals Online Congress has received 120 abstracts and the review process will start shortly! First authors come from 39 different countries and 6 different regions, as follows:
Asia Pacific (49)
Europe (35)
North America (14)
Latin America (11)
Africa (7)
MENA (3)
The most popular themes are as follows:
Water Resources Management (28)
Climate Change Adaptation (22)
Fluid Mechanics (10)
Flood Risk Management (9)
Fluvial Hydraulics (7)
Hydraulic Structures (7)
Groundwater (7)
Hydroinformatics (5)
Coastal and Maritime Hydraulics (4)
Experimental Methods and Instrumentation (4)
Ecohydraulics (4)
Hydraulic Machinery (3)
Urban Drainage (2)
Marine Outfall (1)
Education and Professional Development (1)
The International Scientific Commitee is formed by 94 experts who will help to review the abstracts, and chair some of the congress sessions.
The fourth edition has the following supporting organisations:
International Association of Hydrology
Ecoenet Ecohydraulics Young Professionals Network
UNESCO Groundwater Youth Network
PIANC Young Professionals
The Organising Committee will be announcing the programme next month.
Big thanks to our congress sponsor Becthel Corporation.
300 people have already registered to attend and the website had more than 7 k page views! The congress will be held online and it is free to attend! You can register now to attend.