Call for Candidatures to host the IAHR World Congress in 2027

IAHR is inviting bids to host the 2027 World Congress which attracts around 1200-1500 international delegates.

What does IAHR do?

IAHR Vienna CongressIAHR seeks to be the global hub of water innovation and engineering for holistic outcomes across the entire water cycle.  In particular, IAHR fosters expert communities, knowledge, action and synergy on: 

  • Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation

  • Energy Transition, Food Security and Nature

  • Resilience Against Hazards and Disasters

  • Digital Transformation

IAHR engages today’s experts and helps prepare the next generation to respond to the future challenges.  IAHR accomplishes its goals via four strategic areas:

  1. Foster vibrant expert communities by providing a global platform to meet, collaborate, exchange, further careers, promote work and augment influence on state-of-the-art projects and the world’s grand engineering challenges. 

  2. Publish best-in-field journals and cutting-edge knowledge products on the most important water engineering and related environmental issues.

  3. Convene leading events, educate and develop capacity through the organisation of congresses, symposia, seminars, workshops, learning experiences and meetings around the world.

  4. Build resilience by shaping cutting edge research and innovation towards market and society

Introducing the IAHR World Congress

IAHR World Congress in 2023Water is at the centre of major global challenges including climate change, sustainable development, a growing population and its needs, food security, income inequality and poverty, limited water resources and their management, and safeguarding biodiversity.  The IAHR World Congress is a major global platform for accelerating our ability to meet these challenges.  It does so by enabling the Host organisation to bring together the latest technical and scientific knowledge, practice, trends and innovations of the global hydro-environment community.

The IAHR World Congress places the global water spotlight onto the host institution, city and country by bringing together between one to two thousand experts, researchers, practitioners, scientists, engineers, public authorities, and thought leaders of the global hydro-environment community - including some 30 global Technical Committees and Working Groups of IAHR.

The Congress is the world’s longest standing and a widely recognised global event in the water and environment sector.  Held every two years since 1938, the World Congress is the flagship event of IAHR that takes place in different cities and countries around the world, each time with a headline theme that is chosen by the host.  

By combining the acceleration of new digital opportunities in harmony with the proven benefits of traditional face-to-face congresses, the IAHR World Congress provides a unique and high-profile platform to set global and national agendas, as well as to harness and amplify the collective knowledge of the global Hydro-Environment community.

The value of hosting the IAHR World Congress

40th World CongressHosting the World Congress brings the world’s oldest and most prestigious global event on Hydro-Environment to the host institution, city and country. 

  • The event provides a highly visible global platform for hosts to showcase international leadership in the Hydro-Environment sector.  It is a concrete and practical opportunity to highlight the issues of the most urgent and strategic priority.

  • It brings socio-economic opportunities to the host city via the participation of over one thousand expert participants who over a full week shall contribute to local economies and tourism as well as by presenting the possibility to highlight the major water and environment issues to local and national populations. 

  • The Congress brings the world’s foremost experts and leaders on hydro-environment to the host city and accelerates concrete exchange on the latest technical knowledge, research, innovations and best practice with the global community on the present and future solutions of the water and environment sector.

  • The Congress provides a targeted and highly relevant platform for local and national experts, organisations, universities, institutes and businesses to create lasting international relationships, networks and opportunities.

  • The Congress provides to the host a unique rallying point to build synergy amongst the local and national water community around national agendas and topics of common and strategic interest.

  • By augmenting traditional physical congresses with new digital opportunities, the Congress provides extended and prolonged outreach and global visibility that is highly targeted and relevant towards hydro-environment experts, researchers, practitioners, scientists, engineers as well as public and private organisations and international organisations.

IAHR World Congress selection process

During the 40th IAHR World CongressWho is eligible to submit a proposal?

The candidate host organisation(s) must be legally registered entities with the authority and operational and financial capability to organise and host the IAHR World Congress. Proposals should be submitted by the candidate host organisation(s) with the approval and signature of the legally authorised officer(s).  

Deadline for Candidatures

The deadline for submitting candidatures to host the 2027 IAHR World Congress is 31 March 2024.

Where to submit proposal

Candidates are requested to submit an electronic copy to the IAHR Executive Director at:

For more information

For more information or to arrange a confidential discussion, please contact IAHR Executive Director, Tom Soo at

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