On behalf of the International Scientific Committee of the 40th IAHR World Congress, we announce that the e-proceedings are uploaded in the IAHR Library, freely available for members.
You will find:
The state-of-the-art on:
River research and management
Deltas and coastal engineering
Sediment transport and morphodynamics
Integrated management of extremes, climate change
Environment and society
Urban water and water industry
Hydraulic engineering and water management
Computational and experimental methods
455 papers
Single DOIs
The proceedings will be included in SCOPUS and and uploaded to the IAHR eLibrary permanently.
The book of abstracts will be shared shortly.
We would like to take this opportunity to remind you that the next IAHR World Congress will take place in Singapore in June 2025.
Hope to see you in Singapore!
40th IAHR World Congress Organizing Committee