Candidate statements for IAHR TC on coastal and maritime hydraulics elections

The IAHR TC on coastal and maritime hydraulics is currently holding an election for five ordinary members on the Leadership. There are 8 candidates for this election. 

Elections will run from 15 June to 30 June 2020. Election messages will be sent through SurveyMonkey to all the primary and secondary affiliates of CMH committee. The result will be announced on 1 July 2020.

IAHR encourages a geographical spread of candidates and representation on Leadership Teams. We ask that you consider this when casting your votes.

Candidate statements

1. Andrea Sulis


Senior Maritime Engineer at  Saras Industrial Services/ Technologies

I worked at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (University of Cagliari) in 2006 – 2015, teaching Coastal Dynamics and Protection and doing research in river basin management and coastal morphology. Since 2016, I’ve been working at the Center of Environmental Sciences in the area of compound flood risk in coastal areas and consulting as Principal Senior Maritime Engineer at SARAS Refinery for sustainable planning and design activities . I believe that by being part of the IAHR Committee on Coastal and Maritime Hydraulics, I would play an exciting role in building interdisciplinary bridges in the land of new engineering paradigms of sustainability and sustainable development.  If given an opportunity to be part of the CMH Committee, I would be glad to contribute my time and efforts in growing our community toward tighter bonds between academy, research and industry.


2. Dezhi Ning


Full Professor/Deputy Dean
Dalian University of Technology

Prof. Dezhi Ning got his PhD degree major in Port, Coastal and Offshore Engineering at Dalian University of Technology (DUT) in 2005. Then he worked in the University of Oxford as a Postdoctoral Research from 2005 to 2007. Now, he is the professor in the field of coastal and ocean engineering at DUT. He currently serves as the Head of the Offshore Renewable Energy Research Centre at DUT and the Associate Director of the State Key Laboratory of Coastal and Offshore Engineering, leading one of the top research groups in China on wave hydrodynamics and wave energy conversion (WEC). He has published over 180 peer-reviewed journal/conference papers, and was ranked as one of '2019 Most Cited Chinese Researchers' by Elsevier. As a chair/co-chair, he ever hosted some conferences such as 14th PACOMS, 8th CoastLab, and UK-China Tidal Energy Collaborative Workshop etc. Now, he serves as editorial board members of Ocean Engineering and Journal of Hydrodynamics, and ISOPE TPC member etc.

To join in the CMH Committee, it is benefit to organize conferences and symposia in the field of coastal and maritime engineering. Based on such a platform, the collaboration in working groups on the theme of hydraulics and hydrodynamics among Chinese and world scholars can be strengthened and expanded.

Relating personal link:

3. Gensheng Zhao

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Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute (China)/Delft University of Technology (the Netherlands)

Dr. Gensheng Zhao is Senior Engineer from Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute (China).  He is also Part-time Researcher of Delft University of Technology (the Netherlands) and Joint Professor of Hohai University (China). His research has been directly related to Wave Overtopping, Flood Risk Management in Coastal Zone and Coastal Dike Assessment. As an IAHR member since 2009, he is active in the Committees on Flood Risk Management, Fluvial Hydraulics, and Coastal and Maritime Hydraulics. He co-organized the IAHR 2nd International Symposium on Hydraulic Modelling and Measuring Technology in 2018. He has been giving many support to IAHR Young Professionals in IAHR China Chapter. In 2017, he got the “Best Reviewer Award” from Water Science and Engineering (IAHR associated journal) for his great contribution to the journal. He is also working as the reviewer of International Journal of Sediment Research, Journal of Hydraulic Research, Journal of Hydro-environment Research, and Journal of Applied Water Engineering, which are the associated journals of IAHR.

If elected as Leader Team member of CMH, he would like to focus on the collaborations among the community of CMH and involve more Young Professionals in the community. And he will still show his great passions to organize/co-organise the CoastLab, RCEM and other CMH’s events. 

4. Javier Lopez Lara


Associate Professor - Head of Coastal Hydrodynamics and Infrastructures Group in IHCantabria
Instituto de Hidráulica Ambiental - IHCantabria - UNIVERSIDAD DE CANTABRIA

I lead the Coastal Infrastructures group at the Institute of Environmental Hydraulics of Cantabria at the University of Cantabria, which has 16 members. I have developed my entire professional career in the field of coastal and maritime engineering linked to academia over the past 22 years, with a very active relationship with industry and public administrations. 

As a member of the IAHR, I have actively collaborated by organizing international events, such as Coastlab18, and attending different IAHR scientific congresses. 

The 2020-2023 IARH strategic plan fits perfectly with my purposes within the CMH committee and I would like to contribute to IAHR through: 

• the promotion of forums, workshops and online courses, in which state-of-the-art knowledge is exchanged and the diffusion of the most innovative techniques and methodologies are promoted, mainly to young professionals. 

• to encourage the generation of thematic publications and specialized reports in novel areas linked to the field of Hydro-Environment Engineering applied to coastal areas with the aim of becoming reference technical and scientific manuals in the field.

• and finally, to be able to serve as a link between the industry and coastal managers, to facilitate the inclusion of the knowledge generated within the IAHR community in practical aspects.

I am highly committed to enhance the presence of IAHR in the coastal and marine community all around the world. I also understand that it is a volunteering activity that I am highly motivated to accomplished it.

It would be a great honor to be part of the CMH committee.

5. Guangqiu Jin


Professor Guangqiu Jin comes from Hohai University in China. His research area is hydraulics and mainly engaged in the dynamic processes of freshwater and sea water in plain rivers, the coastal zone and across the interface between water and sediments. Recently, he has focused on the study of the coastal reservoirs. In recent years, rapid economic development in the coastal zone has attracted steady migration to the area. The shortage of freshwater resources in that area becomes more serious. In this area, he has coauthored 50 journal articles in top journals and found many interesting results. He has led many multi-disciplinary hydraulics researches founded by National Science Foundation. Besides, He will organize the International Conference of 1st Coastal Reservoir in 2020 in China to enhance the international collaborations between developing and developed countries. 

If he is elected as a member of the Coastal and Maritime Hydraulics (CMH) committee, he will be fully committed to bring his energy, experience and national as well as international networks to promote the development of coastal research and to strengthen the cooperation between China and other countries on offshore issues under the umbrella of IAHR. His enthusiasm and multi-disciplinary background as a surface water and fresh water researcher can contribute to better development of science, practice, and techniques in the coastal zone.

6. Saeed Shaeri

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PhD, GradCert (HigherEd), MIEAust
Lecturer in Engineering | CSU Engineering
Charles Sturt University

Dr. Saeed Shaeri holds a Lecturer in Engineering position at Charles Sturt University, Australia. Saeed has been a IAHR member since 2001, and a Coastal/Civil Engineer with 20 years of experience in various portfolios across consultancy, construction and client organizations. His main research interest and work focus have been on numerical simulation of hydrodynamics, wave and sediment transport, in coastal areas and inland waterways.

Saeed strongly holds the belief of being responsible for solving the problems of today’s society, as well as in giving back to the profession and society that have supported him over the years. Apart from his main roles, he thoroughly enjoys doing so through voluntary activities and mentoring high school and university students. Accordingly, in the past five years, Saeed has served in voluntary positions on local engineering bodies and academic governance committees.

Saeed is excited about the opportunity to join the IAHR-CMH Committee and is keen to contribute to the profession when elected as a committee member, by which he hopes that will allow him to use his experience and commitment to:

  • effectively advocate for improvement and enhancement so that IAHR remains relevant as the leading voice in the profession;

  • assist IAHR-CMH to achieve an improved engagement with members, as well as governmental organizations and industry, to lift the profile of the profession;

  • assist in organizing events and preparation of publications and their related editing and reviewing tasks; and

  • further the development of policies and strategies related to the committee’s key research and activity areas.

7. Stephen Victory

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Senior Technical Adviser (KBR)
Coastal and Maritime Group

I have more than 35 years' experience in coastal and hydraulic engineering (a member of IAHR since 1987) and have experience in both the public and private sectors that has allowed me to acquire technical and leadership capabilities by taking part in significant coastal and maritime projects in addition to involvement in coastal management policy.

This experience includes:

  • Leading coastal teams to work on port development of large LNG and oil refinery projects while at the other end of the scale providing supervision for modelling investigations associated with local government projects.

  • Leading key studies in the master planning and conceptual planning of Greenfield sites for strategic port development and industrial sites.

I am approaching the end of my working career and would like the opportunity to contribute to the efforts carried out by the Coastal and Maritime Committee of IAHR.

The scope undertaken by the committee is, by necessity, extremely broad.  My understanding is that priorities and efforts are presently being concentrated on improving numerical models through the collection of field datasets. Although I am not directly involved in research, I have a strong interest in numerical and physical modelling (as well as other topics) and the application of modelling to practical situations. I would look forward to being involved in setting the Committees’ agenda, encouraging and setting priorities for research, as well as developing strategies for hazards and risks in the coastal zone.

8. Zhihua Xie

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Senior Lecturer in Computational Fluid Dynamics
Hydro-environmental Research Centre, School of Engineering, Cardiff University

I am a Senior Lecturer in the Hydro-environmental Research Centre at Cardiff University. I obtained Ph.D. in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) in 2010 from the University of Leeds, funded by the Marie Curie EST Fellowship. I previously worked as a Research Associate in Computational Hydraulics at Cardiff University from 2010 to 2012 before working as a Research Associate in Multiphase Flows at Imperial College London between 2013 and 2016. I have published over 45 journal papers and my research interests span a broad range of topics in CFD, turbulence modelling and simulation, multiphase flows, water wave mechanics, hydrodynamics, hydraulics, environmental fluid mechanics, and high-performance computing. My research is funded by EPSRC, Royal Society and British Council. I am a member of EPSRC Peer Review College and UK Turbulence Research Consortium, TPC member of ISOPE, a review panel member for British Council, and an active reviewer for over 30 leading international journals (such as JFM, JCP, JHR, JHE etc).

I have worked in different areas in Fluid Mechanics, Fluvial Hydraulics, and Coastal and Maritime Hydraulics. I look forward to making use of my experience to build bridges between different committees within IAHR and support YPN for early career researchers. I would like to contribute to the organisation of international conferences or workshops for the committee and encourage international collaborations between different institutions across the world. I would also like to strengthen IAHR brand in the UK and globally and build strong connection with other organisations, such as ISOPE.


Twitter:  @ZhihuaXie


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