IAHR Technical Committee on Fluid Mechanics | Annual Report 2023

IAHR Technical Committee on Fluid Mechanics

Meet the IAHR Technical Committee on Fluid Mechanics   Keep updated

Who we are?

We focus on fundamental and applied environmental fluid mechanics in support of hydraulic research, with particular emphasis on the fundamentals of transport and mixing phenomena in turbulent flows such as contaminant transport processes in rivers, lakes and coastal regions, anthropogenic influences (e.g., heat, dissolved and suspended organic/inorganic material) and sediment dynamics.

What we do? 

Master Class A: Fluid Mechanics for Instrumentation for Fluid Mechanics at the 40th IAHR World Congress

20 August 2023. Vienna, Austria

We organized jointly with the IAHR Technical Committee on Experimental Methods the master class Fluid Mechanics for Instrumentation for Fluid Mechanics at the 40th IAHR World Congress. The master class was convened by Prof. Rui M.L. Ferreira (Ceris, University of Lisboa) and Prof. Rita F. Carvalho (Mare-Arnet, University of Coimbra) and the masters were Prof. Stuart Cameron (University of Aberdeen), Prof. Stefan Felder (University of New South Wales), Prof. Rita Carvalho (Mare-Arnet, University of Coimbra).

Hosting an Open Leadership Team Meeting during the 40th IAHR World Congress

20 August 2023. Vienna, Austria

Given the World Congress in Austria, we hosted an open Leadership Team meeting on 20 August for all Technical Committee members, or anyone else from IAHR who would want to attend. During the meeting there was the leadership transition: Prof Claudia Adduce became Chair and Prof Vladimir Nikora moved to the role of past Chair.

Organizing Special Sessions at the 40th IAHR World Congress

IAHR World Congress21-25 August 2023. Vienna, Austria

We organized two special sessions at the World Congress in Vienna in August:

9th Gerhard Jirka Summer School on Environmental Fluid Mechanics

28 August - 1 September 2023. Dresden, Germany

The Gerhard Jirka Summer School on Environmental Fluid Mechanics was organized under leadership of Prof. Bernhard Vowinckel, Technical University of Dresden, Germany. A central objective of the School has been to combine theory, experiments and applications, with an emphasis on basic theoretical principles (and their mathematical description) as well as consideration of examples of engineering design and environmental applications. This objective is realized in the School through formal, in-class lectures as well as informal, out of class excursions and visits.

4th IAHR Young Professionals Congress

IAHR Young Professionals Congress22-24 November 2023. Online

The Technical Committee on Fluid Mechanics strongly supported the 4th IAHR Young Professional Congress including:

  • Members of the Scientific Committee.

  • Session on Fluid Mechanics with 9 presentations, which was chaired by the Fluid Mechanics Committee Chair Prof Claudia Adduce as well as Prof. Rita Carvalho member of the LT of the Fluid Mechanics Committee.

Video of the Fluid Mechanics Session 

Contributing to IAHR Publications

Members of the Leadership Team of the Fluid Mechanics Committee have contributed to IAHR publications through their services to the Journal of Hydraulic Research (Associate Editors: Damien Violeau, Claudia Adduce, Alexander N. Sukhodolov, Thorsten Stoesser, Vladimir Nikora), Journal of Ecohydraulics (Associate Editor: Vladimir Nikora), Environmental Fluid Mechanics (Editor in Chief: Harindra Joseph Fernando; Associate Editor: Claudia Adduce) and IAHR Publication Committee and Task Force on Monograph Series (Damien Violeau, Claudia Adduce, Vladimir Nikora).

Upcoming Activities

Online School on Lateral Cavity: Hybrid and multi Lab study of the flow

Hybrid and multi lab study of the flow patterns in a lateral cavityFebruary-March 2024. Online

The online course is organised by an IAHR cross committees action group - Committees on Fluid Mechanics, Experimental Methods and Instrumentation and Fluvial Hydraulics to enhance knowledge on open-channel fluid mechanics, use of advanced tools, instrumentation and numerical modelling, and analysing results in depth. Organizers: Prof. Rita F.Carvalho, Prof. Rui M.L.Ferreira, Prof. Emmanuel Mignot.

10th International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics

June 2024. Aberdeen, UK

To be organized under leadership of Dr. Dominic Van der A, University of Aberdeen, UK.

6th International Symposium on Shallow Flows

September 2025. Torino, Italy

To be organized under leadership of Prof. Costantino Manes, Politecnico di Torino, Italy.

10th Gerhard Jirka Summer School on Environmental Fluid Mechanics

2025, Lima, Peru

To be organized by Dr Daniel Horna-Munoz, Universidad de Ingeniería y Tecnología, Peru.

11th International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics

June 2027. USA

To be organized by Prof. George Constantinescu, University of Iowa, USA.

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