Objectives Recent Updates Open to Whom How to Apply Learn More FQAs
What is the IAHR Label?
The IAHR Label for Water Training and Education is a new labelling system that acknowledges the quality of education and training programmes tailored to the water sector.
This unique label, awarded by IAHR and UNESCO-IHP, recognised programmes committed to providing education aligned with the needs of water professionals. The IAHR Label enhances the international recognition of excellence in water-related training and education.
Why to obtain it?
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG 6) – Clean Water and Sanitation for All – by 2030 requires urgent action. Skilled water professionals are essential to meet this challenge. In response, the IAHR has introduced a new labelling system.
The education and training of water professionals is an absolute priority that will not only benefit SDG 6 but also help tackle climate change impacts, food security, biodiversity preservation, energy transition, and social development.
Objectives of the IAHR Label
Support and promote a holistic approach to water engineering.
Promote key competences and skills in the water sector according to job profiles.
Recognise good practices in pedagogic activities, especially for countries where capacity building is a priority.
Develop a student-centred teaching approach.
Promote a problem-based approach to water engineering.
Integrate digitalisation across all areas of water engineering, including both societal and business aspects.
Recent Updates of the IAHR Label
Upcoming Event: Special Session on Education and Professional Development: The Needs of Water Professionals in a Changing Environment and Society to be organised during the 41st IAHR World Congress in Singapore, June 2025.
February 3, 2025: IAHR awards the IAHR Label for Water Training and Education to UNSW Sydney, Australia.
November 29, 2024: IAHR awards the first IAHR Label for Water Training and Education to HYDROPROTECH.
June 10, 2024: The IAHR Label for Water Training and Education is now a Flagship Initiative of UNESCO-IHP
Open to Whom?
Any institution or organisation providing vocational training, BSc, MSc and PhD programmes focusing on water-related education and training.
How to Apply?
Fill in the self-assessment report and a cover page explaining for which program this request is submitted.
Submit the report to the labelling secretariat at label@iahr.org (annexes preferably should be submitted in English).
The results of the candidacy are provided to the candidate based on the IAHR Executive Committee decision after a period of time.
If the candidate is not satisfied with the decision, he/she can appeal by email to label@iahr.org.
Learn More
Download the Brief Brochure with key information.
Download the Full Brochure fore more information.
Watch the video!
For any questions, please contact label@iahr.org.
Label Committee
Philippe Gourbesville, France.
Ioana Popescu, The Netherlands.
Reinhard Hinkelmann, Germany.
Panel of Experts
Ana Margarida Bento, Portugal.
Ioana Popescu, The Netherlands.
Janice Ayog, Malaysia.
José M. Carrillo, Spain.
Maria Paula Mendes, Portugal.
Mário Franca, Germany.
Michael Nones, Poland.
Muhammad Ahmad, Nigeria.
Philippe Gourbesville, France.
Reinhard Hinkelmann, Germany.
Victor Manuel Peñaranda-Vélez, Mexico.
Supporting institutions
Asociatia Romana a Apei, Romania.
IHE Delft, The Netherlands.
Société Hydrotechnique de France, France.
Vietnam Water Resources Association, Vietnam.
Frequently Asked Questions | FQAs
1. Is the label available for programs taught in any language?
Yes. The label is available for programs taught in any languages.
2. What are the eligibility criteria for a program to receive the IAHR Label?
Before any evaluation is carried out the level and orientation of the program seeking the IAHR Label must be clearly stated. The criteria which should be outlined in the self-assessment report are the ones based on which IAHR will evaluate best practices in water education, i.e.:
Intended learning outcomes
Teaching-learning environment
Student assessment
Internal quality assurance system
3. What documents are required for the application?
The self-assessment report is the primary document your programme uses to demonstrate its compliance with the IAHR criteria for good practice in water education. The report is the basis for the review team’s judgment of whether the programme meets our criteria for conferring an IAHR Label.
The self-assessment report is a self-contained document comprising a maximum of 50 pages (excluding appendices).
The contents and format of such documents are not subject to any prior requirements. The reviewers may request additional information but will exercise restraint in this respect. More info about the structure of the self-assessment report is on page 6 of the full brochure.
4. How long is the IAHR Label valid once awarded?
The label is granted for a maximum duration of five years and is eligible for renewal. Its validity cannot surpass the national accreditation period of the degree, in the country where the education takes place. It is automatically revoked upon the expiration of the national accreditation.
5. What is the fee for the programme?
1,000 euros per program for a duration of five years (so 200 euros per year). For multiple programmes please, contact label@iahr.org.
6. Does the IAHR Label certify individuals or only training programmes?
The IAHR Label only certifies any institution or organisation providing vocational training, BSc, MSc and PhD programs focusing on water-related education and training.
7. Is the IAHR Label recognised globally?
Yes. The IAHR approach is inspired by Global Standards and Guidelines for quality assurance such as the European Higher Education Area and many international accreditation bodies.
8. Can the IAHR Label be used in marketing materials?
Yes. There’s eligibility to use the IAHR Label on your website and marketing materials.