IAHR Technical Committee on Climate Change Adaptation | 2023 Report

IAHR Technical Committee on Climate Change Adaptation

Meet the IAHR Technical Committee on Climate Change Adaptation   Keep updated

We coordinate initiatives in IAHR dealing with the study of the impact of climate change on the hydro-environment and monitoring adaptation measures being taken in the water engineering sector, both of the structural and non structural type.

Activities of the Year 2023

40th IAHR World Congress

August 21-25, 2023. Vienna, Austria.

At the IAHR World Congress a Special Session was organized entitled: “Water Engineering Design in a Changing Climate”. It was well attended and experts presented their experiences about criteria and case studies of adaptation of engineering design of hydraulic infrastructures and water resource management to climate change. It presented methods for the analysis of non-stationary time series and of the estimate of the hydrological and hydraulic design variables as precipitation, floods, droughts, sea level, and storm surges in a changing climate.

At the World Congress on August 22 was held the meeting of the Technical Committee on Climate Change Adaptation.

Technical Workshop on Water and Climate Change Inter-Dependencies

June 13, 2023. Bonn, Germany.

The TC Chair was invited to take part to the Technical Workshop on Water and Climate Change Mitigation Inter-Dependencies convened by the UN-Water Expert Group on Water and Climate Change co-coordinated by WMO, UNESCO and UNECE. The Purpose was to identify what is known and not known about the dependency of Paris Agreement mitigation targets on the sustainable management of water resources. This information is intended to assist State parties to determine how to manage water-dependency issues in their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and in UNFCCC processes, and whether there should be any further assessment of these issues by the IPCC in the IPCC 7th cycle work program. The TC CCA contributed with other IAHR experts including Elpida Kolokytha from the WG on SDGs with a document highlighting that IAHR acknowledges that the current climate change impact throughout the world needs a strong response in how we enhance the sustainable management of resources and limit GHG emissions.

COP28 UAE - United Nations Climate Change Conference

November 30-December 12, 2023. Dubai, UAE.

The TC contributed to COP28 with a chapter of a IAHR Working Paper entitled “Dependencies between water and climate change mitigation” aiming at making water in COP28 a core part of the dialogue of climate mitigation and adaptation.

IAHR Monograph “Water engineering design guidance in a changing climate”. The authors of the Monograph met and made some progress.

Activities of Future Years

For the year 2024

8th IAHR Europe Division Congress

4-7 June 2024. Lisbon, Portugal

  • Contribute with a Special Session on Climate change adaptation in hydraulic design.

  • Submit the IAHR Monograph “Water engineering design guidance in a changing climate” for review to IAHR Secretariat.

For the year 2025

  • Contribute to the IAHR World Congress in Singapore with a Special Session.

  • Finalise the‘soft digital’ Monograph on “Water engineering design guidance in a changing climate” end expand it with case studies in order to come our with a hard copy version.

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