Ibero-American Water Journal | RIBAGUA Vol. 10 Issue, 2, 2023 is out!

The Ibero-American Water Journal | RIBAGUA plays a unique role in helping researchers, engineers, and stakeholders in the region communicate their work in Spanish and Portuguese and focuses on topics of interest to the continent.

RIBAGUA vol. 10 issue 2 2023This issue of RIBAGUA focuses primarily on research conducted in Uruguay with applications to other places on the continent to address water engineering problems. It begins with an editorial by the director of the Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Environmental Engineering (IMFIA) and continues with a detailed study of chlorophyll threshold levels during an exceptional cyanobacteria bloom in the Río de la Plata, highlighting the crucial role of local winds through satellite and field observations. In addition, readers will discover strategies to save millions of dollars by reducing uncertainties at a power plant, and obtain fundamental data for hydrological modeling of watersheds from a rainfall analysis in eucalyptus plantations. This issue also presents an innovative methodological study that helped harmonize the water needs of the ecosystem with those of water users in Peru.

>> RIBAGUA Vol. 10. Issue 2, 2023 (in Spanish) Open access 

This issue is published with the support of UNESCO and AECID.

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