The 15th International Conference on Hydroinformatics concludes in Beijing

The closing ceremony of HIC2024

The 15th International Conference on Hydroinformatics (HIC2024), hosted by China's Ministry of Water Resources, IAHR, and IWA, and organized by IWHR, concluded in Beijing on May 29, convening nearly 500 representatives from 34 countries/regions. 

The event included 3 plenary sessions, 48 parallel sessions, and 235 technical presentations, and witnessed the announcement of the Beijing Initiative Digital Twins for Water and the release of SkyLIM, the model series independently developed by IWHR.  

The Secretary General of the NOC, IWHR’s Vice President Ding Liuqian and IAHR President Philippe Gourbesville delivered closing remarks, highlighting the event’s significant contributions to advancing hydroinformatics and addressing global water challenges amid climate change, and emphasizing the importance of digital transformation in water management and encouraged continuous innovation and youth involvement in digital twins for water

Philippe Gourbesville delivering his closing remarks

Ding Liuqian delivering his closing remarks

Awards for Best Posters, Best Presentation of Young Expert, and Best Presentation were granted during the closing ceremony. Professor Pilar García Navarro from the University of Zaragoza in Spain, which will be the host of the next event in 2026, presented an introductory video and invited experts around the globe to attend the next event in Zaragoza.

Awarding the Best Posters

Awarding the Best Posters

Awarding the Best Presentation of Young Expert

Awarding the Best Presentation of Young Expert

Awarding the Best Presentation

Awarding the Best Presentation

Professor Pilar García Navarro updating on preparation of the next event

Professor Pilar García Navarro updating on preparation of the next event

The event also included the Exhibition of China’s Progress on Digital Twins for Water and technical exhibitions from China’s 18 water-related organizations, showcasing the country’s development in digital twins of watersheds, water networks, water works, etc.

Exhibition of China’s Progress on Digital Twins for Water

Exhibition of China’s Progress on Digital Twins for WaterThe Exhibition was to comprehensively showcase China’s advancements in digital twins for water. Through graphic panels, it detailed the background, development, and implementation of digital twin hydraulics in the country, highlighting various initiatives and advancements. 

About the International Conference on Hydroinformatics (HIC)

15th International Conference on Hydroinformatics

Initiated by IAHR and IWA, the International Conference on Hydroinformatics (HIC) is a biennial academic event rotating across continents. It has become a crucial exchange mechanism in hydroinformatics community, attracting policymakers, experts, scholars, and industry representatives worldwide to discuss the application of new information technologies like AI, big data, cloud computing, etc. in water resources management. 

SAVE THE DATE! 16th International Hydroinformatics Conference (HIC2026)

22-26 June, 2026

Zaragoza (Spain)

Main Contact: Pilar García Navarro

HIC2024 Book of Abstracts


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