Participate in the Mentoring Course on Journal Paper Writing during the APD Congress!

To be organized during the 24th IAHR-APD Congress, October 16, 2024 in Wuhan, China

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How to participate

Publishing research findings in international journals is crucial for career advancement and knowledge dissemination. However, early-career researchers and students often face significant challenges in navigating the article writing and journal publication process, lacking sufficient guidance and experience.

This short course aims to bridge this gap by providing practical insights and valuable feedback on submitted articles (published or unpublished) and to equip young researchers and professionals with the necessary skills and knowledge to write impactful journal papers in an innovative way.

Instead of the traditional way of listening to lectures, the interaction between the “writers” and the “reviewers” is highlighted in this course. Editors of international journals will be invited to review articles (submitted beforehand) before the course. During this course, the “writers” will present their articles. Following the presentation, an assigned editor will provide constructive feedback on the paper’s strengths and weaknesses. The audience will have the opportunity to ask questions and participate in a discussion about the presented research and the editor’s feedback.

This short course aims to achieve the following outcomes:

  • Empower young researchers and professionals with the practical skills and knowledge needed to write compelling journal papers.

  • Provide valuable, personalized feedback from experienced editors to help participants improve their manuscripts.

  • Create a supportive environment for students and early-career researchers and foster exchange within the broader IAHR community.

*This initiative is supported by the IAHR Education and Professional Development Techinical Committee*


Opening and introduction

Keynote report

Presentation and mentoring

Panel discussion

Invited Guests

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Philippe Gourbesville

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Mohamed Ghidaoui

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Michael Nones

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Sung-Uk Choi

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Yongfeng Liu

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YU Qian

  • Prof. Philippe Gourbesville, Univerisite Cote d'Azur; IAHR President

  • Prof. Mohamed Ghidaoui, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; past Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Hydraulic Research (JHR); IAHR Vice President

  • Dr. Ing. Michael Nones, Institute of Geophysics - Polish Academy of Sciences; Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of River Basin Management (JRBM)

  • Prof. Dr. Sung-Uk Choi, Yonsei University; Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Hydro-environment Research (JHER); APD EC member

  • Prof. Yongfeng Liu, Hohai University; APD EC member

  • Dr. YU Qian, China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research; IAHR YPN Regional Representative; APD EC member

Event organizers

  • Dr. YU Qian, China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research; IAHR YPN Regional Representative (APD); APD EC member

  • Dr. Ing. Michael Nones, Institute of Geophysics - Polish Academy of Sciences; Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of River Basin Management (JRBM); Vice chair, Committee on Education and Professional Development

  • Ms. Sally Feng, Membership Manager, IAHR Secretariat


How to Participate

Register for the event

This activity is a special session of 2024 IAHR-APD congress. If you will attend the 2024 IAHR-APD congress, you could attend this activity freely. Please submit your research paper via the online form:

Please note: The research paper could be a published paper or the manuscript to be submitted. The published paper should be newly published. Your paper will not be made public or shared with anyone except the editors.

We encourage all college students, young researchers, and professionals working in the water-related and environmental sectors to submit their research papers before September 20, 2024, for consideration. Selection results will be notified before September 30, 2024.
This unique opportunity will provide invaluable feedback on your work and significantly strengthen your skills in journal paper writing. A certificate of participation issued by IAHR will be awarded to all participants who present their papers at the short course.

Ask questions

Whether or not you will attend this event, you could leave your questions for the editors via the online form:

We will select some questions for the editors to answer during the panel discussion session, which will be compiled and posted on the IAHR website after the meeting.

Other Events at APD Congress

Roundtable on Flood and Droughts Mitigation within Climate Change Area


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IAHR Institutes Meeting on Engineering for Holistic Water Management – Data for Water


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IAHR Regional Congresses in 2024

24th IAHR-APD Congress: Water for a Changing Future

2024-10-14 to 2024-10-17

Congress Website Registration

8th IAHR Europe Congress: Water – Across Boundaries

2024-06-04 to 2024-06-07

Congress Website Summary Report

31st IAHR Latin America Regional Division Congress

2024-10-01 to 2024-10-04

Congress Website Video

6th IAHR Africa Congress: African Water Security in the Context of Climate Change

2024-12-09 to 2024-12-12

Congress Website Registration

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