Roundtable on Flood and Droughts Mitigation within Climate Change Area

~ Plenary event at the APD Regional Congress ~
Roundtable on Flood and Droughts Mitigation within Climate Change Area

October 15, 2024, Tuesday
24th IAHR-APD Congress (Wuhan, China)

24th IAHR-APD Congress

Themed “Flood and Droughts Mitigation within Climate Change Area: How to Ensure Sustainable Water Use and Ecological Needs?”, this roundtable will serve as a platform for high-level discussions on the critical issues of water management in the face of increasing climate variability. As the Asia-Pacific region continues to experience extreme weather events, including floods and droughts, there is an urgent need to develop strategies that not only mitigate these events but also ensure the sustainable use of water resources while preserving ecological integrity.

To be held on Tuesday morning after the opening ceremony and keynote speeches of the 24th IAHR Asia and Pacific Regional Congress, this plenary session (with English-Chinese simultaneous interpretation) will bring together high-profile figures from national water-related associations and societies, policy officials and leading experts in the field to talk about sustainable water infrastructure, integrated water resources management, energy transition, technological innovations, policy and governance, etc. Their collective expertise will provide diverse perspectives on the theme and encourage collaborative approaches to addressing regional water challenges and to promoting holistic strategies for water management and resilient societies.


Opening and Introductions

Panel Discussion

  • Changjiang Water Resources Commission (TBC)

  • China Society for Hydropower Engineering (CSHE)

  • China Three Gorges Corporation (CTG, TBC)

  • Chinese Hydraulic Engineering Society (CHES, TBC)

  • Indian Society for Hydraulics (ISH, TBC)

  • Indonesian Association for Hydraulic Engineers (HATHI, TBC)

  • Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM, TBC)

  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thu Hien | Executive Committee Member, Vietnam Water Resources Association


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IAHR Regional Congresses in 2024

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8th IAHR Europe Congress: Water – Across Boundaries

2024-06-04 to 2024-06-07

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31st IAHR Latin America Regional Division Congress

2024-10-01 to 2024-10-04

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6th IAHR Africa Congress: African Water Security in the Context of Climate Change

2024-12-09 to 2024-12-12

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