IAHR Executive Committee Elections 2025-2027

Nominating Committee for the IAHR Executive Committee elections 2025-2027

In accordance with the IAHR by-laws, the IAHR Council appointed a Nominating Committee (NC 2024) for the next Executive Committee election ahead of the 41st IAHR World Congress in Singapore on 22-27 June 2025. The NC 2024 is chaired by Gabriele Freni (Italy) and comprises Arturo Marcano (Venezuela), Francisco Taveira Pinto (Portugal), Jianli Zhang (China), Shie Yui Liong (Singapore), Silke Wieprecht (Germany), Teodoro Estrela (Spain), Vallam Sundar (India) and Van-Thanh-Van Nguyen (Canada).

The IAHR by-laws encourage members of the Association to contact the Secretariat with respect to nominees for the position of Vice-president and President. The NC welcomes proposals from individual and institution members submitted through the Secretariat, searches itself for candidates, and evaluates the performance of present Executive Committee members for potential re-election to a second term.

IAHR members may also propose candidates through the Secretariat, and independently of the Nominating Committee, using “nomination by petition" for the election of the Vice-presidents or President. Nominations may be submitted by petition at least two months after publication of the Nominating Committee slate of candidates. A valid petition requires signatures of 15 members from at least five countries (refer to the following paragraph).

The NC will propose up to three candidates per vacant position. IAHR is committed to diversity and inclusivity and the NC shall strive to ensure a balanced slate of candidates representative of the gender and geographic distribution of the membership.

All nominees are notified and requested to supply a brief resume, their involvement in IAHR, and a statement on their planned contribution as Executive Committee members.

At least two months before the IAHR World Congress, a complete list of candidates comprising the nominating committee slate for the Executive Committee positions, including both those proposed by the nominating committee and those submitted by valid petition, is published and a vote conducted through electronic ballot. Ballots shall include the possibility of a write-in candidate for all positions. The ballot closes on the Wednesday of the IAHR World Congress.

Invitation to the membership for nomination of candidates

The Nominating Committee hereby invites all IAHR members to submit suggestions regarding nomination of possible candidates for IAHR Executive Committee. Please make your suggestions of potential Executive Committee candidates to the Secretariat by 31 January 2025, including a brief rationale for the suitability of the candidate proposed. The Nominating Committee will give due consideration to all suggestions.

Slate of candidates

The Nominating Committee will evaluate all proposed nominations for Executive Committee Members with respect to their qualification for fulfilling the major tasks of the IAHR Executive Committee.

The IAHR Executive Committee has the task to promote the interests of the Association and to co-ordinate the activities of its members related to Hydro-environment Engineering and Research, both at global and regional scales.

Executive Committee responsibilities include: long-range planning for the biennial World Congresses as well as co-ordination and interlinkage of activities of Regional and Technical Divisions and Committees, e.g., conferences, IAHR publications and awards and promotion of continuing education, student chapters and short courses. Promotion of IAHR, membership enhancement, fiduciary responsibilities, IAHR Secretariat liaison, links with Institute members, industry and the profession are essential. Relations with government agencies and other professional/technical societies and international organisations are also part of the EC role.

Any member wishing to receive a printed list of the slate of candidates should contact the Secretariat after this date.

Due to the difference in web access and language challenges of a distributed global association, lobbying for any candidate is not part of the IAHR norms.

Nomination by petition

If the Nominating Committee has not included your suggestion in its slate or if you have another suitable candidate not hitherto considered, all members have the option to file a nomination by petition within two months after publication of the NC slate. The new election procedure gives any group of members in the Association, which feels that its interests are not properly considered by the NC slate, the chance to submit nominations by petition for any of the regular Executive Committeemember positions. A valid petition requires signatures of 15 members from at least five countries or from a group of countries representing 10 percent of the IAHR membership. This assures that there is support for a candidate which goes beyond a personal or national interest. All valid nominations by petition will be included in the ballot.

Nominations by Petition must be submitted to the Secretariat within two months after publication of the NC slate of candidates with a statement from the candidate, that she or he is willing to accept the nomination, a resumé including professional career, involvement in IAHR, and a statement on the planned contribution as Council member.

Ballot and summary of schedule

31 January 2025. Suggestions for potential nominees to be submitted to the IAHR Secretariat (via Elsa Incio at

14 February 2025. Publication of the slate of candidates

14 April 2025. Closing date for additional candidates through ‘Nomination by Petition’

25 April 2025. Electronic ballot opens. Please remember to vote early

25 June 2025. Ballot closes

26 June 2025. Results will be announced during the Annual General Members Assembly

1 July 2025. Elected members officially take over


Elsa Incio, IAHR Secretariat

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