IAHR enters new partnerships in Latin America!

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IAHR signs agreements with various National Water Associations from Latin America

Several agreements have been signed during the 31st IAHR Latin American Division Congress in Medellín, Colombia last week. The associations will be joining the new Platform of National Water Associations, The goal of the platform is to establish a global network that fosters cooperation, knowledge exchange, and collaboration among these associations. By aligning with IAHR, national associations can amplify their impact, gaining increased visibility on the global stage, access to IAHR's extensive resources, and valuable opportunities for collaboration.The associations are as follows:

By joining the platform, national water engineering associations can play a pivotal role in advancing hydro-environment engineering and research globally. Together, these associations, along with IAHR, can contribute to innovative, sustainable, and resilient solutions that address the multifaceted water issues faced by our rapidly changing world. Through collaboration and a shared commitment to the UN SDGs, this united front has the potential to drive positive change and make a lasting impact on the future of water management.

About ABRHidro

Associação Brasileira de Resources Hídricos is a professional, non-profit association that aims to bring together natural and legal persons and dedicate itself to the advancement of Water Resources management, scientific research and support for technical education. and university. It was founded on October 19, 1977, at the Technological Center of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, with current headquarters in Porto Alegre, Brazil.


The Chilean Society of Hydraulic Engineering is a Chilean corporation to which all engineers and other professionals related in some way to hydraulics or related sciences can belong. The purposes of the society are the following: (1) To promote greater contact between engineers or professionals who work in the different areas of Hydraulics in the country; (2) disseminate the studies, research and projects carried out in this field; (3) promote the professional development of members through work meetings, talks, colloquiums, conferences or other means that are considered useful for this purpose, such as publications of work or a technical magazine; (4) maintain relations with academic or teaching institutions, especially with the Institute of Engineers of Chile and with National Universities; (5) Establish exchange with engineers or similar foreign entities, (6) address problems of general and even national interest, from a fundamentally scientific and technical point of view.

About AMH

The Mexican Hydraulic Association is a non-profit organization that brings together professionals, academics, researchers and technicians dedicated to the field of hydraulics in Mexico. The AMH focuses on promoting knowledge and technology on hydraulic issues, promoting the exchange of experiences and knowledge among its members, and strengthening training in the field of water resources. Through conferences, publications and professional meetings, it seeks to contribute to the solution of problems related to water in Mexico.


The Peruvian Association of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering is a non-profit civil association made up of professionals, university professors, researchers and postgraduate students aimed at addressing water resource management problems in the country as well as those corresponding to the environment. environment that are related to this management. It also seeks to raise awareness and educate about the importance of water in these times of climate crisis and states of stress due to the increase in demand for water for the population and the development of the country. The association also promotes the training of its members and the exchange of knowledge and experience for a better understanding of the comprehensive problems of water and the environment in the country.

Other associations from Colombia and Costa Rica have expressed interest to join the platform. For more information please contact Elsa Incio

Roundtable Water Resources Professionals And Researchers Associations: Advantages, Disadvantages And Experiences

During the congress IAHR President joined a roundtable with the representatives of several national water associations now engaged within an active collaboration with IAHR and for voicing water professionals. The discussion demonstrated the added value of the water professional associations and their impacts for water professionals. 

The dynamic and successful session has demonstrated a common vision and the willingness to collaborate among our associations. It’s a very promising first step and will definitely open the door to innovative synergy among water professionals and unify forces to address key water challenges!

The congress succesfully reunited water professionals committed to develop innovative solutions fitting the specific conditions of the Latine America region!


In the picture (left to right) Julio Kuroiwa from the Association of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering of Peru (APIHA), Ramón Gutiérrez Serret, IAHR Secretary General, Daniel Rios, representing the Colombian Society of Engineers, Alexandre Kepler Soares, President of the Brazilian Water Association (ABRHidro), Nikte Norma Ocampo Guerrero from the Mexican Hydraulic Association (AMH), Philippe Gourbesvile, IAHR President, Oscar de Moraes Cordeiro, Past President Brazilian Water Association (ABRHidro), Tom Soo, IAHR Executive Director and José Gilberto Dalfre, Chair of the IAHR Latin American Division.

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