Water Monograph on Practical Flooding Risk Assesment for Development Projects

Water Monograph 4 | Practical Flooding Risk Assessment for Development Projects

With the support of HYDRA Software Ltd

By Alastair Barnett, James Ball, Fumihiko Imamura, Kwanchai Pakoksung and Anawat Suppasri

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ISBN (electronic): 978-90-834302-2-5
ISBN (printed): 978-90-834302-3-2 
ISSN: 2959-7978

This Water Monograph is written in response to the IAHR call for “science-informed action!” after unprecedented flood flow peaks worldwide in July 2021. It is therefore directed to the practising hydraulic engineer, who bridges the interface between writing reports and active management of post-disaster reconstruction. In particular it is aimed at codifiers, experienced supervising engineers in the often-overlooked role of revising legal Codes of Practice to guide practising engineers, when it becomes apparent (as now) that existing Codes are obsolescent and should be treated as such until updates have been issued.

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About the authors

Alastair Barnett is a civil engineer with over forty years of experience of computational studies of water flows in proposed or existing engineering projects in twenty countries. As well as undertaking numerical model studies in harbours, hydropower channels, and drainage networks, he has set up many field monitoring programmes for model calibration and verification. He has developed a series of software packages for hydraulic analysis.  

Dr Barnett’s New Zealand projects include design and commissioning of the 26km Tekapo power canal, control system integration for the eight-dam Waikato River power cascade, harbour development for major ports at Tauranga and Marsden Point, the Auckland CBD stormwater bypass under the Britomart station development, and coastal flooding management for the Te Papa national museum. Internationally he has led coastal infrastructure feasibility reviews for the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank and the European Investment Bank. 

  • James Ball, University of Technology Sydney, Australia 

  • Fumihiko Imamura 

  • Kwanchai Pakoksung  

  • Anawat Suppasri 

Opinions from experts

“This IAHR Water Monograph is tailored to the needs of hydraulic engineers working on practical flood risk assessment, as well as on related fields, e.g., hydraulic structures or open channel flows. It provides insights into topics related to riverine flooding and coastal risk management. By spanning a wide range of areas, the reader will get familiar with the basic hydraulic principles of floods, their magnitudes, and the non-stationary effects of climate change. This monograph guides the reader also through hydraulic model application by giving an overview of the reliability and robustness of models. Hence, it is also a valuable contribution for experts from fields other than engineering. The eight chapters are independent and contain extensive cited publications for further reading and reflect, as well, the wealth of experience and expertise of their authors.”

Stefan Haun, Head of the Hydraulic Laboratory, University of Stuttgart, Germany

The new IAHR Water Monograph on Practical Aspects of Floods is a welcome addition to the River Engineering Literature. It is a wonderful digest of information on broad hydraulic principles and strategies for flood modeling with specific applications to coastal areas with tsunamis. The most interesting contributions include flood frequency in the age of non-stationarity, flooding near coastal areas, and several case-studies in Japan. The monograph is deliberately light on the rainfall-runoff relationship for watersheds and on the details of floodwave-propagation algorithms. Engineers and scientists will enjoy this concise and well-presented IAHR Water Monograph.

Pierre Julien, Emeritus Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Colorado State University, United States

How to cite

Barnett, Alastair,  Ball, James, Imamura, Fumihiko et al. Practical Flooding Risk Assessment for Development Projects. IAHR WATER MONOGRAPHS, International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR), Spain. pp1-138, (2024).  doi: 10.3850/IAHR_Watermonograph_004

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