IAHR Journals Access Instructions

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This instruction mainly introduce how the IAHR members access the Journals.

1. Reach JOURNALS Section

When you reach the home page of IAHR, there are two ways to access the JOURNALS section.

The first way is that scroll down the screen at the home page then you can find the JOURNALS section. If you want to check the whole journals list, you can click the MORE button to jump to the Journals List Page.


The second way is that put the mouse on the Library button which at the navigation bar on the top of the screen, then the IAHR Publications button will pop up. Click the button to jump to the IAHR Publications page. You can find the JOURNALS section via scroll the screen down a little bit.



2. How to get the IAHR's journals

The following Four journals could be access via IAHR website directly after members have logged in. They are Journal of hydraulic research, Journal of river basin management, Journal of Ecohydraulics and Journal of applied water engineering and research, respectively.

How can members read these journals for free? Let's take the first way as an example. You can find these four free journals on Journals List Page. Click one of the four journals you want to read then jump to the details page of the journal.


At this page, there are three choices. If you are individual member, you can click the Individual Members Access button then you will jump to the Access Page. Similarly, if you are institute member and your institute has provided the IP segment to IAHR. You can also jump to the Access Page after you click the Institute Members IP Access button.


At the Access Page, click Transfer to IAHR Online Journals Platform button. You will jump to the content page of the journal.


You can find the marking of Access provided by IAHR at the top of the screen, which means you can read this journal for free.


Accessing the content page of the journal by other means will not be free. In other words, not going through the Access Page means that the journal will not be free. And there is not a marking of Access provided by IAHR.


3. Others

For other journals, we will send your information to these journals’ publisher as soon as possible after your payment is successful. Then they will contact you and explain the relevant operations for you.

Please contact us if you have any questions.

Sally Feng

IAHR Secretariat Beijing Office


Phone: +86 1068781636

Fax: +86 1068781890

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