27-29 November 2024 | Online
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The 5th edition of the IAHR Young Professionals Congress took place online between Wednesday 27 and Friday 29 of November, 2024.
During these three days, 117 posters were presented by young professionals from all over the world, and discussed together with experts and peers. Sessions were always well attended, with more than 100 attendees on average.
During the Congress two young researchers, the recent awards of the JFK Best Student Paper Competition, were involved for giving a keynote lectures. On the second day Mina Rouzegar presented her work “Bedload transport and bed morphology in partially ice-covered channels", while on Friday Marco Córdova Puglianini opened the day by speaking about "El Nino Impacts from Large to Local Scale on Peruvian Rivers". During these two keynote lectures not only the scientific part was discussed, but also the benefit of attending events and initiative devoted to young professionals, to better shape the scientific and career profile of young fellow.
Over the three days, twelve technical sessions address 15 IAHR themes, pointing out the interest of the young generation in all water-related topics, spanning from fluid mechanics to hydraulic structures and climate change adaptation. The sessions were chaired by experts coming from both IAHR Technical Committees and Congress Supporters, a mix of practitioners and scientists that not only mentored the young speakers, but also suggested new ways for collaborating to eventually increase the impact of the YP research and the IAHR community as a whole.
A few highlights of the Congress were:
The constant interactions between speakers and chairs, with speakers sometimes asking questions to expert chairs to clarify their research questions or to eventually connect to foster future collaborations
The international character of the Congress, with speakers, chairs and attendees from all over the world, which shown the potentiality of IAHR in connecting people worldwide
The mixed audience, which was composed of both young researchers and recognized experts, indicating the interest that seniors have in the studies performed by the younger colleagues, which might eventually result in future trans-generational collaborations
Looking at the numbers (140+ submitted abstract, 900+ registrations), the YP Congress proved, for the fifth year in a row, to be a key part of IAHR online activities, as it reaches less developed countries and allow presenters to showcase their work in a more relaxed and friendly manner.
Michael Nones, Chair of the 5th edition of the IAHR Young Professionals Congress
The proceedings will be published in the upcoming weeks.