March 20, 2025, Thursday
16:00 UTC I 17:00 Central European Time I 11:00 Peru Time | 12:00 New York
The first webinar of the IAHR Technical Committee on Flood Risk Management will describe the extreme flood events due to heavy rainfall occurred in the last years in Latam, Europe and Asia and treat diverse topics on integrated flood risk management, river engineering and storm urban drainage.
Georgios Mitsopoulos
Kamal El Kadi Abderrezzak | Compagnie Nationale du Rhône (CNR), Direction Exploitation, CESAME
Daniela Molinari | Chair of Committee on Flood Risk Management IAHR, Politecnico di Milano
Stefan Haun | Head of Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Management, Graz University of Technology
Cesar Alvarado Ancieta | Academic Leader Postgraduate Flood Risk Management, University of Technology and Engineering, Lima-Peru
Flood Risk Reduction using Nature-Based Solutions in Climate Change Conditions, Case Agia Triada, Greece
Georgios Mitsopoulos | School of Civil Engineering, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)
Extreme flood events in France in 2023/2024
Régis Thépot | Deputy Secretary General, Société Hydrotechnique de France (SHF)
The role of critical flows in flood hazard analysis and management, cases in Austria
Christoph Hauer | Senior Scientist, BOKU, University of Vienna
2023-2024 Extreme Flood Events caused by El Niño Phenomena - Intertropical Convergence Zone and Climate Change in Latam, Europe and Asia
Cesar Alvarado Ancieta | Academic Leader Postgraduate Flood Risk Management, University of Technology and Engineering, Lima-Peru
Daniela Molinari | Chair of the IAHR Technical Committee on Flood Risk Management , Politecnico di Milano, Italy
This webinar will be held via ZOOM Webinar, please click here to register the Zoom Webinar.
The IAHR Technical Committee on Flood Risk Management is dedicated to providing a platform within IAHR to promote and support discussion and research on flood risk management, with focuses on prevention, protection, preparedness, emergency response, recovery and lessons learned, and resilience. Find out more details and join this committee: