The Editor of the International Journal of River Basin Management (JRBM), Dr. Ing. Michael Nones, is pleased to announce the publication of a Special Issue on River Resilience: Environmental Flows to River Health through the Lens of Ecosystem Services.
The concepts of environmental flows and river health have gained considerable importance in recent times. River flows and, in turn, river health have been seriously adversely impacted by several reasons including indiscriminate changes in land use, overexploitation of rivers, indiscriminate mining of river sand, unsustainable fishing practices etc. As a result, ecosystem services rendered by river landscapes are badly affected. In this context, it is extremely important to build public awareness on the consequences of unsustainable utilisation of riverine resources and evolve strategies for maintaining and restoring riverine ecosystems at the basin scale.
Topics proposed in this Collection include, but are not limited to, environmental flows, river health, river ecosystem services, river health restoration, river resilience, reservoir optimization, climate change and human-water feedbacks, and policies and regulations in water sector to improve river basin health and resilience.
Contributors to the Collection will be experts in the related domains in the water sector from all over the world. High quality research articles relevant to the themes of the International Conference on "River Resilience: From Environmental Flow to River Health Through the Lens of Ecosystem Services", being jointly organized by the National Institute of Technology Calicut, India and the TU Delft, The Netherlands, will be considered for the Collection.
Guest Editors:
Dr. Phanikumar Mantha, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Michigan State University, USA
Dr. Saket Pande, Dept. of Water Management, TU Delft, The Netherlands
Dr. Santosh G Thampi, Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, Kerala, India
Manuscript deadline: 30 June 2025
There is a need now more than ever to apply an integrated, cross-disciplinary approach to river basin management as recognised by the UN Watercourses Convention, World Water Vision, World Water Council and Global Water Partnership.
The International Journal of River Basin Management addresses this need. It brings together research dedicated to all aspects of integrated river and floodplain management including catchments, wetlands and estuarine systems.
IAHR Journals provide thought leadership and a platform to report on new research and exchange technical and professional knowledge on the hydro-environment. Publishing in IAHR journals provides citable, peer-reviewed credit to authors.
Since its first journal founded in 1963, the IAHR portfolio of journals has been expanded in line with the changing fields of hydro-environment engineering and water resources management, including a regional focus.
IAHR journals enjoy from the reputation of a learned society that looks after a rigorous peer-review process, selects the best editors and associate editors in their field and are published by renown international publishers Taylor and Francis and Elsevier.