IAHR is pleased to announce an extension of the full paper submission deadline to 29 March 2025 (23:59 Singapore time) for the 41st IAHR World Congress in Sinapore (22-27 June).
While submitting a full paper is not mandatory for conference participation, only full papers will be included in the official IAHR Congress Proceedings after undergoing the peer-review process.
The IAHR World Congress Proceedings are:
Indexed in Scopus and submitted for evaluation to the Web of Science Congress Proceedings Index.
Registered with ISSN and ISBN.
Assigned individual DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers).
Part of the IAHR World Congress Series, a prestigious collection documenting water engineering research since 1937
This is a valuable opportunity to enhance the visibility and impact of your research in the global water community.
Length: Minimum 4 pages, following the attached template.
Deadline: 29 March 2025.
Submission Portal: Upload your paper to the easy chair portal.
For any questions, please contact us at abstracts@iahr2025-singapore.com.sg.
If you choose not to submit a full paper, your extended abstract (if accepted for oral presentation) will be included the Book of Abstracts with internal purposes only.
We encourage you to take advantage of this extension and contribute to the IAHR Congress Proceedings!