2nd IAHR webinar on water security | The Science of Global Water Security: Linking Knowledge to Solutions

Webinar: The Science of Global Water Security: Linking Knowledge to Solutions

IAHR working group on Global Water Security: Webinar 2
The Science of Global Water Security: Linking Knowledge to Solutions

Tuesday 15 December 2020

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We are honored to have some of the world's top scholars and researchers in the webinar:

Prof. Joseph Lee

[Short Bio]

Prof. Vladimir Nikora

[Short Bio]

Prof. Weiling Sun

[Short Bio]

Prof. Thorsten Stoesser

[Short Bio]

Prof. Chunhui Lu

[Short Bio]


Following the encouraging success of the first IAHR webinar on ‘The Business of Global Water Security’, attracting a global audience of over 4,800 page views, it is timely for IAHR now to focus on ‘The Science of Global Water Security’. Due to climate change, population growth, increasing urbanisation etc., many of the world’s key river basins, coastal zones and groundwater systems are becoming more stressed, in the form of: reduced water resources, increased floods and droughts, and contamination from traditional pollutants (such as faecal indicator organisms) and more recent toxic substances (such as endocrine disruptors, emerging contaminants, perfluorooctanoic acids (PFOAs) – to mention but a few).

Whilst water scientists and engineers in the practitioner communities, including: regulatory authorities, water companies, consulting and contracting companies, non-governmental organisations etc., are regularly focused on reducing levels of pollution and contamination from the substances listed above, it is not always appreciated that the hydraulics, fluid mechanics and groundwater flow processes provide the vector for transporting these substances, along with many others, through the aquatic systems. These pollutants and contaminates can be transported, diffused, decay and adsorbed/desorbed within the water column and with the sediments. To obtain solutions to improving our aquatic and marine ecosystems then water scientist and engineering teams addressing challenges must understand the processes relating to the hydrodynamics, biochemistry, ecology and morphology, to mention but a few, and through the whole water system, from the surface to the bed and throughout the full water cycle from the cloud, through the river and groundwater system, and into the coastal and marine environments. To fulfil these objectives IAHR members are heavily engaged in developing and applying state-of-the-art: laboratory and field monitoring facilities and techniques, computational fluid and sediment dynamics models, artificial intelligence tools, real-time monitoring data systems and many other activities.

This second webinar in this series therefore focuses on some of these issues, including: artificial intelligence and algal blooms, flow biota interactions in aquatic systems, interactions between emerging contaminants and the water column, high resolution process modelling through the water system and improved groundwater recharge and storage. This second webinar in a series of webinars being planned by the IAHR Global Water Security Working Group, will focus on framing high-level science and engineering solutions to the challenges and opportunities of Global Water Security; bringing together well-known experts in their fields from the hydro-environmental science and engineering community within IAHR. Future webinars will focus more on climate change, real-time systems and policy issues and challenges associated with Global Water Security issues.

This second IAHR Global Water Security webinar will be held on Tuesday 15 December 2020, 19:00-22:00 (China Standard Time), 12:00-15:00 (Central European Time) and 06:00-09:00 (Eastern Standard Time). A recording of the webinar will be played -----

For more information please visit the page: The Science of Global Water Security: Linking Science to Solutions

 Time in different zones

The 2nd IAHR Global Water Security webinar will be held on Tuesday 15 December 2020 at:

  • 06:00-09:00 (Eastern Standard Time)

  • 11:00-14:00 (UTC)

  • 12:00-15:00 (Central European Time)

  • 19:00-22:00 (China Standard Time)

More local time can be found by clicking here.


  • Introduction to IAHR Artificial Intelligence (AI) for identification of toxic algal blooms
    Prof. Joseph HW Lee, IAHR President, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology

  • Flow-biota interactions in aquatic systems: implications for hydro-epidemiology
    Prof. Vladimir Nikora, University of Aberdeen, UK

  • Interactions between emerging contaminants and aquatic particles
    Prof. Weiling Sun, Peking University, China

  • Open-channel water surface boils: repercussion to bed generated turbulence?
    Prof. Thorsten Stoesser, University College London, UK

  • Improving fresh groundwater storage of oceanic islands by using a less permeable slice along the shoreline
    Prof. Chunhui Lu, Hohai University, China

  • Q&A



This webinar is sponsored by China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research (IWHR), China's top national research institute on water resources and hydropower under the direct administration of China's Ministry of Water Resources. IWHR also hosts IAHR's Global Secretariat Beijing.

If you have any suggestions or questions about this webinar, or if you would like to organize a webinar using IAHR's platform, or if you would like to support future IAHR webinars, please contact our Technical Division Programme Officer Ms. Jenny Lu.

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