International conference on river morphology and flood control Piura River Morfología fluvial y control de inundaciones río Piura - PERU

International conference on river morphology and flood control Piura River


[Online] international conference
River morphology and flood control Piura River
Morfología fluvial y control de inundaciones río Piura - PERU

19 and 20 November 2020

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Research, study and particular fast track plan of rapid action “design as you go”.

150 years of human intervention have transformed the Piura River, Peru‘s main irrigation area, into a semi-channelled and regulated river with levee embankments, groynes and sedimented floodplains in the lower river basin, Bajo Piura, and a non-river-channelled reach of a sediment ejection source area in the upper basin: Alto Piura. The deviation of the natural course of the Piura river in the lower river basin, which in the past discharged into the sea, a proper river mouth, to a new point of discharge, a non-proper river mouth, with a longer river length in the last century, has resulted in a complex problem in the river morphology of the lower river basin. As a consequence, an aggradation (sedimentation) process is occurring in the lower river basin. Simultaneously, the degradation of the upper river basin, which is the source of sediment ejection into the lower basin, has continued unchecked, leading to the necessity that mitigation measures be implemented to counteract the streambed and river bank level changes, if adequate measures are not taken to solve the problem. An effective evaluation of the riverbed in this degradation-aggradation process in the upper, intermediate and lower river basins requires an understanding of the morphological processes involved in river channel geometry adjustment and projected equilibrium conditions.

The objective of this research, which will be the main topic of this conference, was to study how the aggradation-degradation process of the Piura River streambed and banks might be managed by means of an adequate river training and flood control system:

  • decreasing sediment transport capacity, by rectifying/realigning/channelling the river in the upper river basin, also referred to as “river training”, through flood protection in critical reaches, or by stabilizing the river bed and banks.

  • increasing sediment transport capacity in the lower river basin by river-narrowing in the non-river channelling reach and creating an adequate outflow, and also by providing flood protection in the lower basin, through a process of controlled general erosion. This will make it possible to restore hydraulic capacity in the existing channelled or river training reach.

The objective of this conference is to alert local authorities to the urgency of addressing the issue of flood control in Piura, through adequate "engineering principles, organization, administration and ethics" and non-political and non-corrupt implementation, four years after the destructive El Niño 2017 flood event, caused by the lack of an integral plan and adequate decision making.

The main focus of the conference will be the following key themes:

  • A “particular” comprehensive study understanding the importance of river morphology, sediment transport and hydraulics for the control of floods in the Piura River.

  • It answers the question why was Piura flooded?

  • The phenomenon of degradation (erosion) and aggradation (sedimentation) of the Piura River in its upper and lower basin.

  • Morphological changes in the river.

  • A fast-track action plan and conceptual strategies for river training and flood control, alternatives and recommendations.

  • Anatomy of the Piura River: a history of interventions: administration, policy, and regionalization.

The conference will also include presentations on fluvial morphology, flood control and how highly qualified river engineering authorities can manage rivers efficiently without political influence while maintaining engineering and ethical principles. Invited sessions from river engineering and flood control experts will be presented within the framework of river morphology and flood control of the Piura River.

The conference introduces to a fast track action plan, design as you go, with strategies for flood control, alternatives and recommendations.

An adequate flood control system based on several variables, besides of social and environmental issues will take in fact several years, and in the meantime a flood defence in the lower basin is also a must, up to the effective flood control system is ready.


(Click the image for GIF)

Timelapse for a reach of Piura River (1984-2020), erosion of a non-stable river channel 6 km upstream of Piura city, by Cesar Alvarado Ancieta supported by Prof. Dr. Qiusheng Wu (Assistant Professor at the University of Tennessee, USA).


(Click the image for GIF)

Timelapse for Piura River (1984-2020), erosion of the non-stable river channel from Los Ejidos up to Malacasi, by Cesar Alvarado Ancieta supported by Prof. Dr. Qiusheng Wu (Assistant Professor at the University of Tennessee, USA).

 Key-Speakers Piura

Dr. Antonio Mabres Torello

[Short Bio]

Prof. Dr. Jorge Reyes Salazar

[Short Bio]

Dr. Edwin Omar Vences

[Short Bio]

Dr. Antonio Abruña Puyol

[Short Bio]

 Key-Presentation-Speaker Piura

M.Sc., Dipl.- Ing., Civil Eng. Cesar Alvarado Ancieta

[Short Bio]



Prof. Dr. Slobodan Simonovic


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Aberle

[Short Bio]

M.Sc., Dipl.- Ing. Till Branß

[Short Bio]

Prof. Dr.- Ing. Nils P. Huber

[Short Bio]

Prof. Dr. Saskia van Vuren

[Short Bio]

Dr. Erhan Demir

[Short Bio]

Prof. Dr. Benoit Camenen

[Short Bio]

Eng. Georg Mondini

[Short Bio]


Prof. Dr. Slobodan Simonovic

[Short Bio]

Prof. Dr. Jorge Reyes Salazar

[Short Bio]

Prof. Dr. Erik Mosselam

[Short Bio]

Prof. Dr. Alessandra Crosato

[Short Bio]

Prof. Dr.- Ing. Bernd Ettmer

[Short Bio]

Prof. Dr. Jorge Abad Cueva

[Short Bio]

Ing. David Barreto Escobedo

[Short Bio]

Dr. Greg Morris

[Short Bio]

Prof. Dr.- Ing. Jochen Aberle

[Short Bio]

Prof. M.Sc. Zivko Gencel

[Short Bio]

Prof. Dr. Rob Ettema

[Short Bio]

Prof. Dr. Saskia van Vuren

[Short Bio]

Dr. José Vásquez

[Short Bio]

Dr. Antonio Mabres Torello

[Short Bio]

Ing. Marina Olivos

[Short Bio]

Ing. Eduardo Zegarra

[Short Bio]

Mg. Ing. Pedro Castillo

[Short Bio]


Prof. Dr. Arturo Marcano


Prof. Dr. Pablo Daniel Spalletti

[Short Bio]

Prof. Dr. María Cecilia Lopardo

[Short Bio]

M.Sc., Eng. Eliana Romero

[Short Bio]

Prof. Dr. Mónica Fossati Piñeyrua

[Short Bio]

PhD candidate, M.Sc. Ingrid Silva

[Short Bio]

M.Sc. Verónica León

[Short Bio]

 Time in different zones

The conference will be held on  Thursday (DÍA JUEVES ) 19 November 2020  to  Friday (DÍA VIERNES ) 20 November 2020 at:

  • 09:50-14:00 (Peru Time, Eastern Standard Time, Canada-Ontario Time)

  • 06:50-11:00 (Canada-Vancouver Time, USA-California Time)

  • 07:50-12:00 (USA-Colorado Time)

  • 10:50-15:00 (Venezuela Time)

  • 11:50-16:00 (Argentina, Uruguay Time)

  • 14:50-19:00 (UTC)

  • 15:50-20:00 (CET Winter Time, Germany, Czech Republic, France, The Netherlands, Sweden)

  • 17:50-22:00 (Turkey-Ankara/Istambul Time)

  • 22:50-03:00(+1) (China Standard Time)

More local time can be found by clicking here.

 Programa - Program

THURSDAY 19/11/2020 - DÍA JUEVES 19/11/2020

  • Presentation

    • Prof Dr. Pablo Spalletti (Chair IAHR Latin American Division, Argentina)

    • Prof. Dr. María Cecilia Lopardo (Instituto Nacional de Agua, Argentina)

    • M.Sc. Eliana Romero(Poyry, Peru)

    • PhD candidate M.Sc. Ingrid Silva(Lulea University of Technology, Sweden)


  • Opening words - Palabras de inaguración

    • Dr. Antonio Abruña Puyol (UDEP, rector de la Universidad de Piura)


  • 4 years after flooding - 4 anos después de las inundaciones

    • Dr. Antonio Mabres Torelló (UDEP, ex-vice-rector, ex-rector de la Universidad de Piura)


  • From flood risk management to building resilience to flooding: implications for decision making - Desde la gestión de riesgos de inundación hasta la creación de resiliencia ante las inundaciones: implicaciones para la toma de decisiones      [Abstract]

    • Professor Dr. Slobodan P. Simonovic (ICFM, chair International Conference Flood Management; professor emeritus, Fellow, Royal Society of Canada, Fellow, Canadian Academy of Engineering, professor emeritus, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, director of engineering works, Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada)


  • Levee formation in compound channels with floodplain vegetation - Formación de diques en canales compuestos con vegetación de llanura de inundación      [Abstract]

    • Professor Dr.-Ing. Jochen Aberle (LWI-TUBS, director del Instituto Leichtweiß de Obras Hidráulicas de la Universidad Técnica Carolo Wilhelmina de Braunschweig, Alemania)

    • M.Sc., Dipl.-Ing. Till Branß (LWI-TUBS, investigador científico del Instituto Leichtweiß de Obras Hidráulicas de la Universidad Técnica Carolo Wilhelmina de Braunschweig, Alemania)


  • Main presentation: Particular comprehensive study for the control of floods in Piura River: Why was Piura flooded? The phenomenon of degradation (erosion) and aggravation (sedimentation) of Piura river in its upper and lower basin. River morphological changes - Presentación principal: Estudio integral particular para el control de inundaciones del río Piura: Por qué se inundó Piura? El fenómeno de degradación (erosión) y agradación (sedimentación) del rio Piura en su cuenca alta y baja. Cambios morfológicos del río en el equilibrio      [Abstract]
    Fast track action plan and concept strategies for flood control, alternatives and recommendation - Plan integral de acción rápida y estrategias concepto de control de inundaciones, alternativas y recomendación

    • M.Sc., Dipl.- Ing., Eng Cesar Alvarado Ancieta, international consultant - team leader, Germany-Peru. Member of the International Association of Hydraulic Research (IAHR). Member of the German National Committee of Large Dams (DTK) & ICOLD. Work Group associated member of the German Association of Water Ressources (DWA). Ass. G-WW-2.7: Scour in Hydraulic Structures: Morphodynamics; river hydraulics & coasts


  • Panel discussions and questions on the main presentation - Rueda de comentarios y preguntas de los panelistas a la ponencia principal

    • Professor Dr. Slobodan P. Simonovic (ICFM, Chair International Conference Flood Management; Professor Emeritus, Fellow, Royal Society of Canada, Fellow, Canadian Academy of Engineering, Professor Emeritus, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Director of Engineering Works, Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada)

    • Professor Dr. Jorge Reyes Salazar (UDEP, Director de la Maestría de Recursos Hídricos en Piura y Lima, Ex Director del Departamento de Ingeniería Civil, Ex Director del Instituto de Hidráulica, y Profesor Principal de la Universidad de Piura, Peru)

    • Professor Dr. Erik Mosselman (TU-Delft, International Expert in River Engineering and Fluvial Morphodynamics and Hydrodynamics of the Department of Hydraulic Engineering of the Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands)

    • Professor Dr. Alessandra Crosato (IHE-Delft, Associate Professor of River Morphology and River Engineering of the International Institure of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering; TU-Delft, Research Associate, The Netherlands)

    • Professor Dr. Bernd Ettmer (H2MS, Decano - Director del Instituto de Obras Hidráulicas del Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas de Magdeburg, Alemania

    • Professor Dr. Jorge Abad Cueva (UTEC, director académico de la Universidad de Ingeniería y Tecnología - CITA director ejecutivo del Centro de Investigación y Tecnología del Agua; Lima)

    • Ing. David Barreto Escobedo (Ingeniero de Proyectos, del Centro de Investigación y Tecnología del Agua, CITA - UTEC)

    • Dr. Greg Morris (International Consultant Sedimentation, World Bank, United States)

    • Professor Dr.- Ing. Jochen Aberle (LWI-TUBS, Director del Instituto Leichtweiß de Obras Hidráulicas de la Universidad Técnica Carolo Wilhelmina de Braunschweig, Alemania)

    • Professor M.Sc. Zivko Gencel (UNP, Profesor Principal de Ingeniería Hidráulica de la Universidad Nacional de Piura)

    • Dr. José Vásquez Ojeda (UDEP, ex Profesor de la Universidad de Piura, Peru)

    • Professor Dr. Rob Ettema (Lifetime Achievement Award ASCE; Hans Albert Einstein Award (River and Sedimentation Engineering), ASCE; Karl Emil Hilgard Hydraulic Prize ASCE; Karl Emil Hilgard Hydraulic Prize ASCE; CSU, Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Colorado State University, United States)


  • Closing remarks 1st day - Palabras de cierre 1er día

    • Prof Dr. Pablo Spalletti (Chair IAHR Latin American Division, Argentina)

    • Prof. Dr. María Cecilia Lopardo (Instituto Nacional de Agua, Argentina)

    • M.Sc. Eliana Romero(Poyry, Peru)

    • PhD candidate M.Sc. Ingrid Silva(Lulea University of Technology, Sweden)

FRIDAY 20/11/2020 - DÍA VIERNES 20/11/2020

  • Presentation

    • Prof. Dr. María Cecilia Lopardo (Instituto Nacional de Agua, Argentina)

    • Prof Dr. Arturo Marcano (Chair IAHR Hydraulics, Venezuela)

    • Prof. Dr. Mónica Fossati (Universidad de la República / Facultad de Ingeniería - UDeLaR / IMFIA - Instituto de Mecanica de los Fluidos e Ingenieria Ambiental / Uruguay)

    • M.Sc. Eliana Romero(Poyry, Peru)

    • M.Sc. Verónica León(SMIVAL, Francia)


  • Apertura del día y breve resumen del día anterior - Opening words and summary of the 1st day

    • Professor Dr. Jorge Reyes Salazar (UDEP, Director de la Maestría de Recursos Hídricos en Piura y Lima, Ex Director del Departamento de Ingeniería Civil, Ex Director del Instituto de Hidráulica, y Profesor Principal de la Universidad de Piura, Peru)


  • Why there is not a integral plan after 4 years? - Por qué no hay un plan integral después de 4 años?

    • Dr. Edwin Omar Vences (UNP, rector de la Universidad Nacional de Piura)


  • Interest of 1D modelling for assessing bed evolution of a long river: application to the Middle Loire River, France - Interés de la modelización 1D para evaluar la evolución del fondo del cauce de un río largo: aplicación al río Loira Medio, Francia      [Abstract]

    • Professor Dr. Benoit Camenen (Team leader researcher sediment transport and river morphodynamic, French National Institute for Agriculture, Food, and Environment (INRAE))


  • The German Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute - La BAW, el Instituto Federal Alemán de Ingeniería e Investigación de Vías Navegables
    Dealing with waterway challenges in Germany - Cómo afrontar los desafíos de las vías fluviales en Alemania      [Abstract]
    Morphodynamics and sediment management: A brief glimpse into coping with the legacy of waterway development in Germany - Morfodinámica y gestión de los sedimentos: Un breve vistazo a cómo hacer frente al legado del desarrollo de las vías fluviales en Alemania      [Abstract]

    • Professor Dr. Nils P. Huber (BAW, head of section River Engineering, Department Inland Areas, Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute (Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau), Germany)


  • The United State Army Corps of Engineers - El USACE, Cuerpo de Ingenieros del Ejército de los Estados Unidos      [Abstract]
    Model of a flashy basin in Southern California, USA, similar to Piura - Modelo de una cuenca similar a Piura en el sur de California, EE.UU      [Abstract]

    • Eng. George Mondini, Chief of the Water Management Systems Division of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Institute for Water Resources Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC)


  • The General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works, de Turquía - El DSI, la Dirección General de obras Hidráulicas del Estado de Turquía: DSİ and Activities Related to Development of Water and Soil Resources - DSİ y las actividades relacionadas con el desarrollo de los recursos hídricos y del suelo      [Abstract]
    Flood Control Activities Conducted by DSI within the scope of 'Integrated Environmental Protection and Development Plan for Riva River' - Actividades de control de inundaciones llevadas a cabo por DSI en el marco del "Plan Integrado de Protección Ambiental y Desarrollo del Río Riva"      [Abstract]

    • Dr. Eng. Erhan Demir (DSI, vice chair of the Department Water Resources, Sedimentation and Flood Control of State Hydraulic Works of Turkey)


  • The Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management of The Netherlands - El Rijkswaterstaat, el Ministerio de Infraestructura y Gestión del Agua de Los Paises Bajos
    Future plan (under construction) for counter-balancing the ongoing erosion processes in the Dutch river system: Meuse and Rhine rivers, due to large scale bed erosion issues and related policy options for river bed & sediment management - Plan de desarrolo (en construcción) para contrarrestar los procesos de erosión en curso en el sistema fluvial holandés: ríos Mosa y Rin, debido a cuestiones relativas a la erosión del lecho a gran escala y las opciones de política conexas para la gestión del cauce de los ríos y manejo de sedimentos      [Abstract]

    • Professor Dr. Saskia van Vuren (Chief coordinating river engineering specialist of the new developing integrated river management program - Department of Flood Risk Management - Rijkwaterstaat WVL, researcher on Risk Analysis in River and Coastal Systems TU-Delft, Research Associate, The Netherlands)


  • Main presentation: Anatomy of Piura River: History of interventions - Administration - Policy - Regionalization
    Presentación principal: Anatomía del Río Piura: Historia de las intervenciones, Administración, Política, Regionalización

    • M.Sc., Dipl.- Ing., Eng. Cesar Alvarado Ancieta, international consultant - team leader, Germany-Peru. Member of the International Association of Hydraulic Research (IAHR). Member of the German National Committee of Large Dams (DTK) & ICOLD. Work Group associated member of the German Association of Water Ressources (DWA). Ass. G-WW-2.7: Scour in Hydraulic Structures: Morphodynamics; river hydraulics & coasts


  • Panel discussions and questions on the main presentation - Rueda de comentarios y preguntas de los panelistas a la ponencia principal

    • Professor Dr. Jorge Abad Cueva (UTEC, director académico de la Universidad de Ingeniería y Tecnología - CITA director ejecutivo del Centro de Investigación y Tecnología del Agua; Lima)

    • Ing. Eduardo Zegarra Dávila (consultor senior, Perú)

    • Professor Dr. Jorge Reyes Salazar (UDEP, director de la Maestría de Recursos Hídricos en Piura y Lima, ex director del Departamento de Ingeniería Civil, ex director del Instituto de Hidráulica, y profesor principal de la Universidad de Piura, Peru)

    • Professor Dr. Saskia van Vuren (Chief coordinating river engineering specialist of the new developing integrated river management program - Department of Flood Risk Management - Rijkwaterstaat WVL, researcher on Risk Analysis in River and Coastal Systems TU-Delft, Research Associate, The Netherlands)

    • Mg. Ing. Pedro Castillo Zavaleta  (consultor senior, Ex-Prof. Universidad Nacional de Piura (UNP), Perú)

    • Ing. Marina Olivos (CIP-Piura - Presidente del capítulo de ingenieros civiles y sanitarios del consejo departamental de Piura)

    • Professor Dr.- Ing. Jochen Aberle (LWI-TUBS, director del Instituto Leichtweiß de Obras Hidráulicas de la Universidad Técnica Carolo Wilhelmina de Braunschweig, Alemania)

    • Professor M.Sc. Zivko Gencel (UNP, Profesor Principal de Ingeniería Hidráulica de la Universidad Nacional de Piura)

    • Professor Dr. Slobodan P. Simonovic, (ICFM, chair International Conference Flood Management; professor emeritus, Fellow, Royal Society of Canada, Fellow, Canadian Academy of Engineering, professor emeritus, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, director of Engineering Works, Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada)


  • Conclusiones - Conclussions

    • Professor Jorge Reyes Salazar(UDEP, Director de la Maestría de Recursos Hídricos en Piura y Lima, Ex Director del Departamento de Ingeniería Civil, Ex Director del Instituto de Hidráulica, y Profesor Principal de la Universidad de Piura, Peru)


  • Final Discussion

    • Prof. Dr. María Cecilia Lopardo (Instituto Nacional de Agua, Argentina)

    • Prof Dr. Arturo Marcano (Chair IAHR Hydraulics, Venezuela)

    • Prof. Dr. Mónica Fossati (Universidad de la República / Facultad de Ingeniería - UDeLaR / IMFIA - Instituto de Mecanica de los Fluidos e Ingenieria Ambiental / Uruguay)

    • M.Sc. Eliana Romero(Poyry, Peru)

    • M.Sc. Verónica León(SMIVAL, Francia)

For detail program please click here in PDF.

 Organisation Committee

Prof. Dr. Jorge Reyes Salazar

[Short Bio]

Dr. Antonio Mabres Torello

[Short Bio]

Prof. M.Sc. Zivko Gencel

[Short Bio]

Prof. Dr. Antonio Abruña Puyol

[Short Bio]

Dr. Edwin Omar Vences

[Short Bio]

 Scientific Committee

Prof. Dr. Jorge Reyes Salazar

[Short Bio]

M.Sc., Dipl.- Ing., Civil Eng. Cesar Alvarado Ancieta

[Short Bio]


Prof. Dr. André Paquier

[Short Bio]

Prof. M.Sc. Zivko Gencel

[Short Bio]

Prof. Dr. Jorge Abad Cueva

[Short Bio]

Prof. Dr.- Ing. Bernd Ettmer

[Short Bio]

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Aberle

[Short Bio]



Click the image for more details





This webinar is sponsored by China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research (IWHR), China's top national research institute on water resources and hydropower under the direct administration of China's Ministry of Water Resources. IWHR also hosts IAHR's Global Secretariat Beijing.

If you have any suggestions or questions about this webinar, or if you would like to organize a webinar using IAHR's platform, or if you would like to support future IAHR webinars, please contact our Technical Division Programme Officer Ms. Jenny Lu.

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