Special sessions for young professionals at the virtual 6th IAHR Europe Congress

6th IAHR Europe Congress

The 6th IAHR Europe Congress is just around the corner and it includes two sessions especially aimed at young professionals.

Session: Science Communication and Social Media: Friends or Foes? IAHR Young Professionals Network (YPN) Meeting (Invited Session)

16 February. 12:30-13:30

Chair: Arianna Varrani (President IAHR Poland YPN).

Do you use social media to communicate science? How can you make best use of them? This short talk by Dr Gianluca Pescaroli aims at answering these questions and helping you derive the full potential from social media to increase the impact of your research.

Session: Water's next: Novel insights from young water scientists (Invited Session)

16 February 2021 14:00 - 16:00

Chairs: Mateusz Grygoruk, Michael Nones.

IAHR seeks to create opportunities for early-stage scientists to present their research and experiences in science. We believe that the ability to talk about your work with similarly inclined people is crucial for self-development. Trying to address this, we decided to organise a live session devoted to PhD students and young scientists where they’ll be able to share their research and discuss current challenges and future steps. The goal is to get informed about and promote novel approaches used by young researchers to tackle classic research questions. We wish to encourage the society of young hydrologists by presenting cutting-edge findings developed by young researchers at the edge of hydrology and related engineering and environmental sciences. Participate and see what’s next in water research!

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