Management of Catastrophic Risks in the Marine and Continental Water Environment

Management of catastrophic risks in the marine and continental water environment

Management of catastrophic risks in the marine and continental water environment

Wednesday, 17 March 2021 (11:30 - 14:40 h CET). Online

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Recent water related catastrophic events, both in the continental and marine water environment, have highlighted the importance to hold a conference on this subject. The event is organised in the framework of the agreement between the IAHR and SPAIN WATER - General Directorate for WaterGeneral Directorate for the Coast and the Sea and CEDEX -, and provides continuity to the series of Spain Water events that have been regularly organised in collaboration with IAHR since the establishment of the aforementioned agreement.

The purpose of this conference is to present the proposals and studies of both General Directorates and CEDEX for managing the risk of catastrophic events, present the measures and plans for their control and mitigation whilst taking into account the potential effects of climate change.

Leading figures from Spain Water will participate along with three IAHR experts to provide a vision of situations around the world and also in Spain,  such as the floods and damage to the coastline of Huelva and Cádiz in 2018, the DANA of 2019 that affected the Mar Menor in Murcia and other areas of the southeast, the Gloria storm in 2020 that caused flooding in the east and in the Ebro delta and previously the floods in the Canary Islands in 2012 or the storms of the Cantabrian coast in 2014 with damage to ports and beaches.

The day will conclude with a dialogue including debate, questions and a discussion with the speakers. The entire event, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, will take place online. 


Opening (11:30 – 11:50)

Presentations (11:50 – 13:50)

Impact of anthropic and climatic factors on hydrological extremes in the Italian Alps (11:50-12:10) (PDF in English)

Challenges in managing hydrological risks in Spain (12:10 – 12:30) (PDF in Spanish)

Floods Directive Implementation in the Po River District: first results of the implementation of state of art modelling tools (12:30 – 12:50) (PDF in English)

Challenges in risk management for the Spanish coast (12:50 – 13:10) (PDF in Spanish) 

Monitoring and Simulation of Post-fire Debris Flood Flow (13:10 – 13:30) (video in English)

Impacts of the Gloria and Filomena storms on the Mediterranean coast of the peninsula (13:30 – 13:50) (PDF in Spanish) 

Dialogue (13:50 – 14:20)

Moderator: José María Grassa Garrido. Director Centre for Harbours and Coastal Studies of CEDEX.

Presentation of the 39th IAHR World Congress in Granada (14:20 – 14:25)

Miguel Ortega. Director of the Congress Organising TeamUniversity of Granada. [PDF]

Closure (14:25 – 14:40)

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