IAHR Management Committees and Task Forces

In order to ensure the good management of the association and to help achieve the objectives set out in the 2024-2027 Strategic Plan, the IAHR has set up from 2024 onwards a series of management committees and task forces to ensure that the activities of the association support its vision, purpose, and aims.

Every management committee/task force provides oversight and leadership to the association by:

  • setting the strategic direction to guide and direct the activities of the association,

  • ensuring the effective management of the association and its activities,

  • monitoring the activities of the association to ensure they are in keeping with the strategic objectives.

The following are the management committees and task forces that will operate during the 2024-2027 term.

Membership Committee

The IAHR Membership Committee oversees the development of IAHR’s membership policies and aims at expanding membership among individuals and institutional and corporate organisations. It is mandated with stimulating and developing engagement and membership-related activities while promoting gender equity in collaboration with IAHR's Regional Divisions, Technical Divisions and Young Professional Networks. In the current mandate, the Membership Committee is also responsible for reviewing and improving the membership structure and benefits, including recognition of members. The Membership Committee related task forces include the following:


Chair: Amparo López

Members: Emily Wang, Ramón Gutiérrez Serret, Pawel Rowinski, Moez Louati, Norio Tanaka, Blanca Botero, Ana María da Silva

Executive Director: Tom Soo

Task force on Strengthening Diversity and Gender Equity

The IAHR task force on Strengthening Diversity and Gender Equity intends to raise the profile and visibility of women who are active within the association, encourage women’s engagement and a balanced membership, identify and implement actions to improve equal opportunity and related representation within IAHR’s structures and activities, and engage with international and national processes promoting women in hydro-environment engineering at all levels.


Chair: Amparo Lopez

Members: Emily WangIoana Popescu, Silke Wieprecht, Damien Violeau, Dalila Loudyi, Yong Sung Park 

One or more Association members appointed by the President upon recommendation by the Committee Chair (if needed).

Task force on Young Professionals Development

The IAHR task force on Young Professionals Development works closely with IAHR's Regional Divisions and Technical Divisions in order to identify and undertake actions aimed at improving the experience and engagement for young professionals, expanding the number and scope of Young Professional Networks (YPNs), and ensuring a rise in the conversion rate of YPN members into full IAHR members.


Chair: Francisco Taveira Pinto

Members:Silke Wieprecht, Amparo Lopez, Veronica Minaya, Ioana Popescu

Council YPN Regional Representatives

Members: Melissa Latella, Fernando Neves LimaWada Patella, Qian Yu

One or more Association members appointed by the President upon recommendation by the Committee Chair (if needed)

Publications Committee

The primary responsibility of the IAHR Publications Committee is to oversee the continuous development and quality improvement of the IAHR publications portfolio. The committee is also responsible for creating and overseeing any other task forces necessary for implementing specific tasks and identifies and advises on future publication projects and areas where the association might undertake activities. 


Chair: Mohamed Guidaoui

 Members: Council Members Ioan NistorVlad NikoraDamien Violeau, Takashi Asaeda, Dalila LoudyiEllis Penning, Zhiguo He

Task force on Monograph Series

The IAHR task force on Monograph Series is in charge of improving the quality and production of IAHR Monographs by reviewing current practices, achievements, and design. The task force is responsible for the four-year monograph publications plan.


Chair: Damien Violeau

Members: Claudia AdduceIoan NistorRob EttemaVlad NikoraPengzhi Lin, Massimo Guerrero, Donatella Termini

Finance Committee

The IAHR Finance Committee works closely with the Treasurer and the IAHR Secretariat to ensure fiscal and budgetary oversight. It develops and monitors the annual budget, reviews the annual financials and audits before they are presented to the Council and the General Assembly and, if necessary, proposes new fiscal and budgetary policies for the association. The Finance Committee has oversight responsibility for activities related to fundraising and the receipt of gifts and cooperates with other Committees in efforts to solicit grants and other funded projects.


Chair: Ana María da Silva

Members: Hyoseop WooRamon Gutierrez SerretEmily Wang

Executive Director: Tom Soo

Awards Committee

In accordance with Article 9 of the IAHR by-laws, the IAHR Awards Committee oversees the implementation of the rules and procedures of the awards of the association. This includes the nomination, selection, and awarding of laureates. The committee is also responsible for the development of new awards and categories to enhance member recognition, and for promoting IAHR members as candidates for external awards.


Chair: Amparo Lopez

Members: Mohammed Ghidaoui, Ana María da SilvaHyoseop Woo, Hector Daniel Farias, Won Kim, Claudia Adduce, Dalila Loudyi, Emily Wang, Ramón Gutiérrez SerretPanayiotis Diplas

Nominating Committee

The IAHR Nominating Committee is responsible for collecting proposals from individual and institutional members, conducting searches for candidates, and evaluating the performance of present Council members in view of their possible re-election. It proposes a potential slate of candidates in accordance with the rules and regulations described in IAHR by-laws Article 4.


Chair: Gabriele Freni

Members: Arturo Marcano, Francisco Taveira Pinto, Jianli Zhang, Shie Yui Liong, Silke Wieprecht, Teodoro Estrela, Vallam Sundar and Van-Thanh-Van Nguyen.

Secretariat Liaison: Elsa Incio

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