Exhibition: Instituto Nacional de Hidráulica (INH)

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Instituto Nacional de Hidráulica (INH)

Research Institutes and Centers

Contact Us:  Calle Nataniel Cox Nº31 Oficina 36, 

Santiago, Chile, 833-0165



The National Institute of Hydraulics (INH), is a Chilean public service with more than 53 years of history, whose mission is to develop studies and applied research related to hydraulic infrastructure, with a comprehensive approach and sustainable criteria, thereby contributing to provide answers to the country's water challenges.

The INH carries out its functions in the hydraulics laboratory, with experimental and research facilities, which allow it to tackle complex problems associated with water. Its technical team, made up of researchers, engineers, surveyors, technicians and specialized construction workers of reduced-scale physical models, develops advanced hydraulic studies for public and private organizations.

The INH generates three types of products related to water, hydraulic infrastructure and extreme events (climate change): studies, research initiatives and knowledge generation.

Please visit for more detailed information.

 Organization Activities/ Business Field 

Study topics:

  • Marine, coastal and port hydraulics

  • River hydraulics

  • Hydraulic infrastructure

  • Hydrology

  • Eco-hydraulics

Technical areas

Engineering and Development: Technically and administratively leads the Institution's hydraulic studies and consultancies, defining methodologies and technical approaches, as well as the teams of technicians and professionals who are experts in hydraulics and senior advisers.

Physical Modeling: Construction of reduced-scale physical models in the hydraulics laboratory with advanced and high precision techniques, of large and medium hydraulic works; and the implementation of measurement equipment for the correct recording of hydraulic variables of the  2D and 3D various models. INH has dedicated experimental facilities and equipment (wave maker, wave 2D flume, calibration flume, flume to study scour in bridges piles).

R + D + i: Development of research lines and articulation of research initiatives throughout the Institution, as well as with external institutions, universities and technology centers for joint developments. Generation of innovative processes and methods, as well as development of new and better tools to be used in hydraulic studies and consultancies.


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