IAHR Online Short Course on Transient Flows: from Theory to Practice


IAHR Online Short Course on Transient Flows: from Theory to Practice

Oct. 31 to Nov. 16, 2021

Registration closes at 04:00 am UTC, or 12:00 noon Beijing / Hong Kong Time (UTC+8) on Monday, November 1, 2021.

If you are not an IAHR member, please join IAHR by clicking this link. Otherwise, you cannot attend.

If you are an IAHR member now, please check if you have received an email from Zoom with a link to the course. If you did not receive it yet, please send us an email as soon as possible.

Please be noted that the unique link in the Zoom email is the ONLY access to this course and must NOT be shared with other people. If this link is used by more than one person, we will randomly keep one and kick out all other participants.

Introduction to each lecture will start 10min earlier. Please connect at least 15min before each lecture.

Please always check the detailed program of the lectures on this webpage. The program you saw in the Zoom message is not always precise.

Click here to know how to pay € 50 for a Professional Certificate of Attendence issued by IAHR.

This course is organized by the Working Group on Trainsient Flows. It represents a historical event where the most senior professors and experts in transient flows are invited to deliver a 2h lecture on their field of expertise. This gives the opportunity to transfer the knowledge and best advices from our most respected and accomplished professors to the next generations of academicians and engineers.

This course provides a synthesis of several aspects of transient flows phenomena. It focuses on the fundamental physics and basic numerical and experimental approaches for the modelling of pressurized and free-surface hydraulic transients, as well as their practical engineering applications.

The course highlights the importance of understanding well extreme transient flows, such as the water hammer in pressurized conduits or the dam break phenomenon in free-surface flows, for the better application of advanced numerical codes. Experimental methods will be introduced and state-of-the-art instrumentation presented as key elements for the verification and validation of new modelling assumptions. Some of the phenomena associated to transient flows that need a better understanding are multi-phase flows, unsteady friction, pipe-wall material behaviour, fluid-structure interaction or cavitation. All these, together with their practical implications in engineering designs and infrastructure operations, will be tackled during this course with the support of real case studies.

Learning Goals

Upon completion, the participant should be able to:

  • Recognize where and when transient flows might be relevant in water infrastructures.

  • Understand the fundamental governing equations and the numerical schemes used as well as the underlying assumption for pressurized and free-surface transient flows.

  • Comprehend dynamic phenomena not accounted for in the classic water hammer theory, namely multiphase flows, unsteady friction, pipe wall viscoelasticity, fluid-structure interaction, cavitation and geysering.

  • Be familiar with transient based defect detection techniques.

  • Expand the knowledge on cutting-edge instrumentation for the experimental description of transient flows.

For whom?

This course is intended for a broad audience. Whether you are a young professional or a senior, academic or practitioner, the course will help you to enhance your critical thinking about the consequences but also the great power of transient flows and how we can improve water systems performance and management.


The course is composed of 14 lectures. Starting from 31st of October, one lecture is given each day except on weekends. In total, the course is composed of 27h of lectures. A Professional Certificate of Attendance (PCA) is issued under request (Please see more details below).


E. Benjamin Wylie

António Betâmio de Almeida

Mohamed S. Ghidaoui

Giuseppe Pezzinga

Jim C. P. Liou

M. H. Chaudhry

Pilar García-Navarro

Sandra Soares Frazao

Arris S. Tijsseling

Bruno Brunone

Steven Wright

Anton Bergant

Bryan Karney

Angus Simpson


Moez Louati

Silvia Meniconi


Watch Video Playback

Presentation Slides

Accessible by IAHR members only.


Week 1

  • Oct. 31, 12:00 UTC | 20:00 Hong Kong | 13:00 CET | 08:00 New York | 22:30 ACDT | 8:00 Toronto   

    Prof. Joseph H.W. LEE | IAHR President | Opening Speech » Play Recording

  • Oct. 31, 12:10 UTC | 20:10 Hong Kong | 13:10 CET | 08:10 New York | 22:40 ACDT | 8:10 Toronto
    E. Benjamin Wylie | Professor Emeritus of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
    Introduction » Play Recording

  • Nov. 1, 12:00 UTC | 20:00 Hong Kong | 13:00 CET | 08:00 New York | 22:30 ACDT | 8:00 Toronto
    António Betâmio de Almeida | Emeritus professor at Department of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Earth Resources, from Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), University of Lisbon, Portugal
    Pressure Hydraulic Transients in Engineering Systems: Induced Accidents and Surge Protection » Brief Outline » Play Recording

  • Nov. 2, 12:00 UTC | 20:00 Hong Kong | 13:00 CET | 08:00 New York | 22:30 ACDT | 8:00 Toronto
    Mohamed S. Ghidaoui | Chinese Estates Professor of Engineering and Chair Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Hong Kong University of Science & Technology (HKUST), China
    Fundamentals of Waterhammer Waves » Brief Outline » Play Recording

  • Nov. 3, 12:00UTC | 20:00 Hong Kong | 13:00 CET | 08:00 New York | 22:30 ACDT | 8:00 Toronto
    Giuseppe Pezzinga | Professor of Hydraulics, University of Catania, Italy
    Unsteady Friction in Pipe Flows » Brief Outline » Play Recording

  • Nov. 4, 12:00 UTC | 20:00 Hong Kong | 13:00 CET | 08:00 New York | 22:30 ACDT | 8:00 Toronto
    Jim C. P. Liou | Professor, University of Idaho, USA
    Frictional Water hammer – line packing and drafting » Brief Outline » Play Recording

  • Nov. 5, 12:00 UTC | 20:00 Hong Kong | 13:00 CET | 08:00 New York | 22:30 ACDT | 8:00 Toronto
    M. H. Chaudhry | Associate Dean and Distinguished Professor of Civil Engineering, University of South Carolina, USA
    Modeling of transient free-surface-pressurized flows » Brief Outline » Play Recording

Week 2

  • Nov. 8, 12:00 UTC | 20:00 Hong Kong | 13:00 CET | 07:00 New York | 22:30 ACDT | 07:00 Toronto
    Pilar García-Navarro | Professor in Fluid Mechanics at the Universidad Zaragoza, Spain
    Finite volume models for shallow water equations with source terms » Brief Outline » Play Recording

  • Nov. 9, 12:00 UTC | 20:00 Hong Kong | 13:00 CET | 07:00 New York | 22:30 ACDT | 07:00 Toronto
    Sandra Soares Frazao | Professor of Hydraulics at the Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
    Non-intrusive methods for fast transient flow measurements » Brief Outline » Play Recording

  • Nov. 10, 12:00 UTC | 20:00 Hong Kong | 13:00 CET | 07:00 New York | 22:30 ACDT | 07:00 Toronto
    Arris S. Tijsseling | Professor, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherland
    Water Hammer with Fluid-Structure Interaction » Brief Outline » Play Recording

  • Nov. 11, 12:00 UTC | 20:00 Hong Kong | 13:00 CET | 07:00 New York | 22:30 ACDT | 07:00 Toronto
    Bruno Brunone | Associate Editor of the J. of Hydraulic Engineering and J. Water Resources Planning and Management (ASCE)
    Time domain analysis for transient-based defect detection methods and applications » Brief Outline » Play Recording

  • Nov. 12, 12:00 UTC | 20:00 Hong Kong | 13:00 CET | 07:00 New York | 22:30 ACDT | 07:00 Toronto
    Steven Wright
    Transient Air-Water Interactions in Rapidly Filling Nearly Horizontal Conduits » Brief Outline » Play Recording

  • Nov. 12, 14:15 UTC | 22:15 Hong Kong | 15:15 CET | 09:15 New York | 00:45 ACDT (Nov. 13th) | 09:15 Toronto
    Anton Bergant | Full Member of the Slovenian Academy of Engineering, Slovenia
    Water hammer with column separation » Brief Outline » Play Recording

Week 3

  • Nov. 15, 12:15 UTC | 20:15 Hong Kong | 13:15 CET | 07:15 New York | 22:45 ACDT | 07:15 Toronto
    Bryan Karney | Associate Dean of Cross-Disciplinary Programs at the University of Toronto, Canada
    Air and water interactions in pressurized water systems » Brief Outline » Play Recording

  • Nov. 16, 12:00 UTC | 20:00 Hong Kong | 13:00 CET | 07:00 New York | 22:30 ACDT | 07:00 Toronto
    Angus Simpson | Professor Emeritus in the School of Civil, Environmental & Mining Engineering at the University of Adelaide, Australia
    Water hammer control methods and modelling » Brief Outline » Play Recording

How to Participate

This short course is open only to IAHR members, who can now register for free by 1) first filling in this online form (jumping out of the IAHR domain), and then 2) completing a simple registration for Zoom Webinar. Become an IAHR member today to enjoy this exclusive member benefit. Contact our membership manager, Ms. Sally Feng, if you have troubles joining IAHR. If you would like to receive, after the course, a Professional Certificate of Attendance (fee: EUR 50) issued by IAHR, please indicate your intention in the registration form. Click here to know how to pay.

The lectures will be given using Zoom Webinar. Detailed information will be sent to the email address given in the registration form.



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