Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research Vol. 9 | Issue 2, 2021

The Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research (JAWER)  publishes papers and practical case studies on all aspects of hydro-environment engineering and research. JAWER welcomes applications related to integrated water resources management and hydro-policy and aims for international dissemination of innovative methods that will specifically showcase studies on interfacing technology-based solutions within the hydro-environment and their ecological value and services.

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Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research, Vol. 9, Issue 2, 2021This issue combines papers from several different water related fields highlighting the diversity of topics that JAWER publishes. Water treatment is a central topic to water issues worldwide. In this issue we have three papers using engineering approaches for managing saline water, the use of anaerobic filters, and heavy metal removal.  

Hydraulic engineering approaches continue to evolve to explicitly account for the occurrence of vegetation. The need is clear. Interest in Nature Based Solutions has been growing but many uncertainties remain with respect to how to account for natural features and, more importantly, how to estimate the hydraulic engineering properties of natural materials such as vegetation. We have a paper that advances an approach to account for vegetation in this issue.

Finally, we have two modelling papers. One paper deals with the challenge of handling data-poor domains. This challenge confronts nearly all new water related projects particularly in developing regions of the world. We are excited to see the topic addressed and look forward to more studies exploring this area.  

The last paper integrates a model of human activity with flood risk. It is an innovative approach that promises to be useful for planning flood risk reduction anywhere where cities and floodplains exist. 

 Research articles

Empirical evaluation of proposed treatment unit for saline wastewater softening
Mahmoud Taherizadeh, Farshad Farahbod and Alireza Ilkhani
Pages: 89-106 | DOI: 10.1080/23249676.2020.1787248

An approach to models for the design of upflow anaerobic filters
M. Márquez R., J. I. Maldonado M., E. Guevara P., D. J. Rey L. and S. A. Pérez P.
Pages: 107-132 | DOI: 10.1080/23249676.2020.1831972

Central composite design of heavy metal removal using polymer adsorbent
Nur Amirah Mohd Zahri, Siti Nurul Ain Md Jamil, Luqman Chuah Abdullah, Sim Jia Huey, Mohsen Nourouzi Mobarekeh, Nur Salimah Mohd Rapeia and Thomas Choong Shean Yaw
Pages: 133-146 | DOI: 10.1080/23249676.2020.1831978

Turbulent flow through a random rigid submerged vegetation over a sinusoidal bed 
P. Chakraborty and A. Sarkar
Pages: 147-160 | DOI: 10.1080/23249676.2020.1844602

Rainfall-runoff simulation using satellite rainfall in a scarce data catchment
Peiman Parisouj, Taesam Lee, Hamid Mohebzadeh and Hadi Mohammadzadeh Khani
Pages: 161-174 | DOI: 10.1080/23249676.2021.1884617

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