The Journal of Hydraulic Research (JHR) publishes research papers in theoretical, experimental and computational hydraulics and fluid mechanics, relating to rivers, lakes, estuaries, coasts, constructed waterways, and some internal flows such as pipe flows. To reflect current trends in water research, articles that explore outcomes of interdisciplinary hydro-environment studies with a strong fluid mechanical component are especially welcome. Although preference is given to fundamental issues, papers focusing on important unconventional or emerging applications of broad interest are also appreciated.
IAHR members can access the latest issue online.
This issue advances the state of the art of numerical modelling, large eddy simulation, large scale mixing, experimental methods, and defect detection. It contains an Open Access article entitled Modelling transverse solute mixing across a vegetation generated shear layer.
The annual Journal Citation Reports released in June show that the impact factor of the Journal of Hydraulic Research (JHR) increased to 2.568. IAHR would like to acknowledge the contributions of those authors who have decided to publish their research in JHR as well as the hard work of our reviewers and the entire editorial team.
Research papers
Numerical modelling of the water surface movement with macroscopic particles of dam break flow for various obstacles
Alibek Issakhov and Medina Imanberdiyeva
Pages: 523-544 | DOI: 10.1080/00221686.2020.1780639
An unstructured finite-volume semi-coupled projection model for bed load sediment transport in shallow-water flows
Miguel Uh Zapata, Lucia Gamboa Salazar, Reymundo Itzá Balam and Kim Dan Nguyen
Pages:545-558 | DOI: 10.1080/00221686.2020.1786740
Numerical modelling of solitary wave and structure interactions using level-set and immersed boundary methods by adopting adequate inlet boundary conditions
Elaheh Bagherizadeh, Zexia Zhang, Ali Farhadzadeh, Dionysios Angelidis, Mahsa Ghazian Arabi, Saeed Moghimi and Ali Khosronej
Pages: 559-585 | DOI: 10.1080/00221686.2020.1818303
3D CFD analysis of the performance of oblique and composite side weirs in converging channels
Andrea Maranzoni and Massimo Tomirotti
Pages: 586-604 | DOI: 10.1080/00221686.2020.1818304
Large eddy simulation of sediment transport in high flow intensity by discrete particle method
Bangwen Zhang, Baosheng Wu, Shaowu Li and Yang Shi
Pages: 605-620 | DOI: 10.1080/00221686.2020.1818306
Modelling transverse solute mixing across a vegetation generated shear layer
Patrick O. West, Stephen G. Wallis, Frederick C. Sonnenwald, James R. Hart, Virginia R. Stovin and Ian Guymer
Pages: 621-636 | DOI: 10.1080/00221686.2020.1818307OPEN ACCESS
Airborne Feature Matching Velocimetry for surface flow measurements in rivers
Liekai Cao, Volker Weitbrecht, Danxun Li and Martin Detert
Pages: 637-650 | DOI: 10.1080/00221686.2020.1818309
A multi-parameter design formula for riprap size selection at wing-wall abutments
Hao Wu, Jie Zeng and George Constantinescu
Pages: 651-661 | DOI: 10.1080/00221686.2020.1818310
A bottom mounted wavemaker in water wave flumes
Saeed Mahjouri, Rasoul Shabani, Peyman Badiei and Ghader Rezazadeh
Pages: 662-669 | DOI: 10.1080/00221686.2020.1818314
Leak detection method using energy dissipation model in a pressurized pipeline
Yohei Asada, Masaomi Kimura, Issaku Azechi, Toshiaki Iida and Naritaka Kubo
Pages: 670-682 | DOI: 10.1080/00221686.2020.1818308
Technical note
Flow condition identification and discharge calibration for submerged radial gates
Yong-Xin Guo, Xin-Lei Guo, Yi-Sen Wang, Tao Wang, Hui Fu and Jia-Zhen Li
Pages: 683-690 | DOI: 10.1080/00221686.2020.1818305