As a highly-regarded scientific organisation the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR), gives a high priority to ensuring the success of its conferences by supporting the local organisers (LOC) to maintain and enhance the quality of the event.
Our Technical Committees and Regional Divisions are fully equipped to render the required scientific support or back-up for the LOC. This can consist of contributions from Council members and/or Committee Officers (scientific committee, session chairman, rapporteur or to help identify other keynote speakers).
The IAHR Secretariat has considerable experience in promotion of events and can also assist with the publishing of Proceedings, provision of congress websites and providing a permanent on-line depository of papers.
Which services IAHR can provide
Use of IAHR Logo for event promotion (download IAHR logo in different versions here)
Use of IAHR Conference Platform to host online/offline event
Listed in Events Calendar of IAHR website
Distribution of announcements in related IAHR technical communities, regional communities through IAHR mailings
Promotion in IAHR website and social medias with banners in requested sizes below:
1920 x 635 px (IAHR Website Homepage Carousel)
1200 x 630 px (Facebook and Linkedin)
1080 x 1080 px (Instagram)
1024 x 512 px (Twitter)
1080 x 1920 px (Stories)
900 x 383 px (WeChat)
Promotion in NewsFlash with regular news
Scientific support from the IAHR Technical Committees most closely linked to the main theme of the conference
Half-page advertising space in HydroLink (not free)
Banner ad in NewsFlash (not free)
Advertise in Hydrolink magazine (not free)
IAHR proceedings publishing both printed and online (not free)
Other forms of assistance from the IAHR Secretariat
IAHR requirements to Local Organisers
Fill the IAHR Event Information Collector Form before the conference
Clearly offer reduced registration fee (10-15% off) for all IAHR members. A note to this effect should be highlighted in the conference registration page
Place IAHR Members Registration Discount banner below on the conference website for a direct link to IAHR Membership Website
Make a financial contribution to IAHR:
Technical committee events: 5% of the registration fees;
Regional congresses: 10% of the registration fees.
Provide IAHR the list of delegates, including e-mail addresses and status of registration after the conference
Provide IAHR the proceedings together with information on long-term availability for including in IAHR website
Offer a stand for IAHR for free if being requested by IAHR
Send Post-Event Reporting Form to IAHR
If the event is held online, send IAHR the recordings to be uploaded to Video Library
Add "IAHR Event Registration: Terms and Conditions" (download here ) to the registration form of the conference website
Contact Us
Ms. Jenny Lu
Technical Division Programme Officer
+86 10 6878 1615