NewsFlash World

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NewsFlash World, IAHR e-newsletter, goes out every month to 30,000+ subscribers interested in engineering, the environment, and water-related issues. NewsFlash brings you the latest news on IAHR activities and communities around the world.

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Latest Issues 

2025: January | February

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2023: November-December | September-October | July-August May-June March-April | January- February

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2021: November-December | September-October | July-August | June | May | April | March | January-February

2020: DecemberNovember | October | September | August | July | June | May

IAHR Talks

David Ferras, vice-chair of IAHR technical committee on Education and Professional Development, regularly interviews IAHR members on topics which are important to the Association. You will find all interviews made to date on the IAHR Talks section of this website.

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