Programme “Youth” in the forefront: before and after World Water Forum. Online Youth Water Congress: “Emerging water challenges since COVID-19”


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In a rapidly changing world, we still try to solve new water problems with old solutions. We need to change our way of thinking about water and water management. The global marketplace will strongly influence the economy in which the young generation is called to work for engineering and water services, which demand multidisciplinary and system-based approaches and new paradigms. 

Further to the support to the 9th World Water Forum in Dakar (in a wider sense) and to the engagement with the water youth, UNESCO is co-organizing an Online Water Youth Congress (6-8 April 2022) in collaboration with the Centre on Integrated and Multidisciplinary Water Resources Management (CIMWRM), which is a specialized Centre under the auspices of UNESCO, hosted by the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh), in Greece, as well as with the Youth Delegates to the World Water Council (YDWWC) and the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR).

The Water Youth Congress gives the floor to the young people to lead the new era on  water-related issues on 4 top themes:

  1. Water-related disasters and climate crisis

  2. Resilience of societies and “digital” communication and cooperation

  3. Management of groundwater resources, the “invisible water”

  4. Water-related issues of inclusiveness (culture / gender / indigenous peoples)

and an experts’ round table on the “job” system in the Meta COVID-19 era will cover 3 days of interesting presentations and discussions.

The Water Youth Congress is a joint effort of a multi-country, multi-expertise, and multi-experience «task force» on emerging water-related issues since the pandemic. 

Mentors from academia and the water industry and experts on the «water job market» and the young generation from over 30 countries across Europe, Asia, North America, South America, and Australia collaborate to co-design and co-decide the water future.

 Day 1

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 Day 2

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 Day 3

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