ABOUT IAHR Water Monograph Series Upcoming issues Open Access
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Discover IAHR Water Monographs
This series presents information on physical processes, measurement techniques, theoretical material, numerical modeling techniques, engineering applications, and historical and cultural matters in an appealing readable and well-illustrated manner.
IAHR publishing tradition | Since 1984 supporting influential books
A long-established brand
Directly or in partnership with professional houses, IAHR has published the most renown books in the field of hydraulics, ie Turbulence Models and their Application in Hydraulics” by W Rodi, first published in 1984 by Balkema and I Nezu's book "Turbulence in Open Channel Flows and long-lasting books as Hydraulicians in Europe and Hydraulicians in USA by W. Hager
A further step
An important function of any large international organisation is to disseminate the best elements of its discipline through learned works, specialised research publications and state of the art reviews.
IAHR is particularly well-served in this regard by its flagship journals and by the extensive and wide body of substantive historical and reflective books that have been published through its auspices over the years.
This series is aimed to disseminate reference research work and state-of-the-art knowledge for researchers and practitioners in the many aspects of hydro-environmental engineering and research. OPEN and easily accessible.
Upcoming IAHR Water Monographs
Hydraulic design guidance in a changing climate | Roberto Ranzi, Abdalla A. Ahmed, Deg-Hyo Bae, Kenichiro Kobayashi, Iñigo Losada Rodriguez, Guinevere Nalder, Bregie van Wesenbeeck
Artificial intelligence in hydroinformatics | Ibrahim Demir, Gabriele Freni, Duan Chen, Orazio Giustolisi, Dimitri Solomatine
Measurement of gravel bedload in wadeable mountain streams | Kristin Bunte, Kurt W. Swingle
The lattice-Boltzmann method for hydraulic applications | Jos Derksen
Open Access + IAHR Water Monographs
OPEN ACCESS is a concept derived from the movement OPEN SCIENCE supported by worldwide organizations making recommendations to Scholarly Societies: UNESCO, ICSU, EUROPEAN COMMISSION and PLAN S
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