Connect to one of the world's largest and most engaged audiences of hydroenvironment engineers and researchers
- 30,000+ subscribers from the public sector, industry, and academia
- 5,000+ hydro-environment engineers, professionals, researchers
- 100+ leading organisations, authorities, laboratories, companies, educational institutions
- 2,500+ young water professionals
With more than 5,000 members, including top hydro-environment engineers, professionals, and researchers, leading organisations, authorities, laboratories, companies, and educational institutions involved in hydro-environment engineering, research, management, practice and application across the world, the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR) provides you with the best platform to carry your message to the hydro-environment engineering community.
Hydrolink Magazine guarantees a strong impact
- 30,000+ subscribers from the public sector, industry, and academia
- Readers from 90+ countries
- On paper and online
- Themed issues
- Published 4 times a year
Hydrolink, IAHR’s flagship magazine, currently reaches more than 30,000 subscribers and brings to the engineering community the latest developments in the field of hydro-environment engineering and research.
With a prominent focus on the hydro-environment industry, Hydrolink provides a practical approach to science and research and offers a unique way of connecting your company with potential customers across the world.
Distributed on paper to our members, Hydrolink is also directly emailed to our subscribers and made freely available online for non-members.
2025 Themed issues
Nature Based Solutions
Pumped Storage Projects
Digital Twins
and more upcoming issues!
Where Hydrolink readers come from
• Academia and education
• Research centres
• Water engineering industry and consultancy
• Public authorities and institutions
Themed issues are selected by a panel of industry experts and focus on highly relevant, important, and innovative topics. This way you can narrow your audience down to those who are most likely to be interested in your products or services and optimize your Return On Investment (ROI).
Published four times a year, Hydrolink can help you reach the right audience at very convenient rates.
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Contact the IAHR Publications Manager at publications@iahr.org
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