Connect to one of the world's largest and most engaged audiences of hydro-environment engineers and researchers
- 5,000+ hydro-environment engineers, professionals, researchers
- 100+ leading organisations, authorities, laboratories, companies, educational institutions
- 2,500+ young water professionals
With more than 5,000 members, including top hydro-environment engineers, professionals, and researchers, leading organisations, authorities, laboratories, companies, and educational institutions involved in hydro-environment engineering, research, management, practice and application across the world, the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR) provides you with the best platform to carry your message to the hydro-environment engineering community.
Hydrolink Magazine
Hydrolink Magazine guarantees a strong impact
- 30,000+ subscribers from the public sector, industry, and academia
- Readers from 90+ countries
- On paper and online
- Themed issues
- Published 4 times a year
Hydrolink, IAHR’s flagship magazine, brings to the engineering community the latest developments in the field of hydro-environment engineering and research.
NewsFlash: IAHR eNewsletter
An audience unlike any other
- 30,000+ have signed up
- A clear target audience: hydro-environment engineers, professionals, and researchers.
NewsFlash World, the global IAHR eNewsletter, is the fastest and most effective way to engage your target audience with your message. Advertising in our eNewsletter will boost your website traffic and expose your organisation, products, events, and services to our distinctive community.
In addition, two regional eNewsletters, NewsFlash Iberoamerica and NewsFlash Europe, allow you to narrow your focus even further.
Available ad units and rates (Price per issue)
NewsFlash World (30,000+ subscribers)
Large banner 800 x 420px | 250 EUR
Small rectangle 180 x 180px + text (200 characters with spaces) | 300 EUR
NewsFlash Europe (9,000+ subscribers) and NewsFlash Iberoamerica (9,000+ subscribers)
Large banner 800 x 420px | 120 EUR
Small rectangle 180 x 180px + text (200 characters with spaces) | 170 EUR
IAHR members benefit from an exclusive 20 per cent off. Join us and get your special discount right now!
We can also design your banner ad for you. Please contact us for further information.
IAHR events
Our world and regional congresses, congresses for young professionals, technical symposiums, seminars, conferences, workshops, and webinars allow scientists, engineers, organisations, authorities, companies, and early career professionals from countries around the world to meet, share, and discuss recent advances and experiences, developments, and applications, and identify innovative and emerging trends in hydro-environmental science and engineering.
IAHR events give your organisation/company a chance to showcase your business to an audience of leading hydro-environment experts and professionals, position your brand at reference events in their field providing you with the space to interact with attendees, connect with like-minded people and grow your network, showcase your products, services, and solutions to a large and specific audience… and much more!
IAHR World Congresses
39th IAHR World Congress | Granada, Spain
- 6 meeting days: 19-24 June 2022
- 1,200+ delegates
- 70+ nations
40th IAHR World Congress | Vienna, Austria
- 21-25 August 2023
IAHR Technical Symposiums and Conferences
A wide range of technical symposiums and conferences covering the whole spectrum of the hydro-environment discipline
• Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics (ISEH)
• Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems
• Symposium on Hydraulic Structures
• Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurement
• International Symposium on Ecohydraulics
• International Conference on Flood Management
• International Groundwater Symposium
• International Symposium on Ice
• International Conference on Hydroinformatics
• International Symposium on Outfall Systems
• International Conference on Urban Drainage (ICUD)
Are you looking for a wider partnership? Advertising and sponsorship possibilities at IAHR
events can be fine-tuned to your needs. Please contact us to discuss your advertising and/or
sponsorship requirements.