3rd IAHR Young Professionals Congress | Day 2: Hydro-Environment and Climate Change - Tuesday, 29 November 2022

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 Welcome Day 2 | 12:00 - 13:00 CET

Keynote: Alma Schellart "Managing ageing urban drainage systems, challenges & opportunities"
Chairs: Eva Fenrich and Gonzalo García-Alén Lorés

Alma Schellart

Alma Schellart
University of Sheffield

Eva Fenrich

Eva Fenrich
Esslingen University
of Applied Sciences

Gonzalo García-Alén Lorés

Gonzalo García-Alén Lorés

Universidade da Coruña

 Climate Change Adaptation | 13:00 - 14:00 CET

Hosts: Emanuele Quaranta and Gaetano Crispino

Chairs: Kobayashi Kenichiro and Van-Thanh-Van Nguyen

Kobayashi Kenichiro

 Kobayashi Kenichiro

Kobe University

Van-Thanh-Van Nguyen

Van-Thanh-Van Nguyen

McGill University

  • Weather index insurance for agricultural risk management: How interpolation can reduce spatial basis risk, by Mukhtar Abdi, Zed Zulkafli and Nurulhuda Khairudin

  • Development of climate impact chains affecting waterway infrastructure: A basis for sensitivity studies, by Lisa Scharf, Martin Hämmerle and Regina Patzwahl

  • Ecosystem services evaluation for a more resilient urban environment, by Francesco Busca and Roberto Revelli

  • Soil temperature prediction in ordinary and extremely hot weather using genetic programming, by Xiatong Cai, Abolmajid Mohammadian, Juan Hiedra Cobo, Hamidreza Shirkhani and Hanifeh Imanian

  • Evaluation of streamflow response to climate change in the data-scarce region, Ethiopia, by Daniel Geletaw Eshete, Genevieve Rigler and Berhanu Geremew Sinshaw

  • Examining climate change adaptation in North Cyprus and defining policies to improve it with a system dynamics approach, by Vahid Nourani, Hüseyin Gökçekuş and Farhad Bolouri

Coffee break with mentors | 14:00 - 14:30 CET

 Climate Change and Case Studies | 14:30 - 15:30 CET

Hosts: Emanuele Quaranta and Gaetano Crispino

Chairs: Kobayashi Kenichiro and Van-Thanh-Van Nguyen

  • Impact of climate change on small Mediterranean catchment: The case study of Dragonja river, Slovenia, by Stamatia Papasarafianou and Ourania Tzoraki

  • Adapting to climate change using the weather-index insurance approach: A case study of the irrigated rice paddies of Malaysia, by Nurfarhana Raffar, Zed Zulkafli, Balqis Mohamed Rehan, Khairudin Nurulhuda, Jing Xiang Chung and Fredolin Tangang

  • Changes in rainfall pattern and predictions for Kokrajhar district of Assam, North-East India, by Ananya Swargiary, Priyanshu Kashyap Hazarika and Soumen Maji

  • Spatio-temporal changes of precipitation extremes in Bangladesh during 1987-2017 and their connections with climate changes, by Gazi Tawfiq Ezaz, Ke Zhang, Xin Li, Md Halim Shalehy, Mohammad Akram Hossain and Linxin Liu

  • Climate change on the Italian railway: adaptation options to weather extremes, by Giada Varra, Luca Cozzolino, Renata Della Morte, Mario Tartaglia, Andrea Fiduccia, Fabio Ricci Feliziani, Marianna Duca, Angela Argentieri, Ivan Agostino and Alessandra Zammuto

  • Projection of the climate change fluctuations impacts on the Standardized Precipitation Index of AqQala city in Iran, by Mahya Hassanzadeh Eskafi, Ghasem Panahi, Alireza Faridhosseini and Saeed Reza Khodashenas

  • Extreme Rainfall/Temperature trend across Ghanaian miningscapes: toward a business case for basin-level climate action, by Salamatu Joana Tannor, Christian Borgemeister and Bernhard Tischbein

  • Evolution of the beach profile due to sea level rise associated with climate change in Veracruz, Mexico, by Karina Ocaña, Manuel Mendoza and Dora Ávila

Coffee break with mentors15:30 - 16:00 CET

 Ecohydraulics and Ice Research Engineering | 16:00 - 17:00 CET

Hosts: Emanuele Quaranta and Gonzalo García-Alén Lores

Chairs: Tomasz Kolerski and Ana Adeva-Bustos

Tomasz Kolerski

Tomasz Kolerski
Gdansk University of Technology

Ana Adeva-Bustos

Ana Adeva-Bustos

SINTEF Energy Research

Coffee break with mentors17:00 - 17:30 CET 

 Groundwater Hydraulics and Management | 17:30 - 18:30 CET

Hosts: Ingrid Silva and David Ferras

Chairs: Gabriela Calderón and Martina Siena

Gabriela Calderón

Gabriela Calderón
Groundwater Youth Network

Martina Siena

Martina Siena
Politecnico di Milano

  • Wendland Groundwater/surface water (GW/SW) interactions research boundaries: A bibliometric analysis to explore its interdisciplinary challenges, by José Gescilam Sousa Mota Uchôa, Luis Eduardo Bertotto, Alan Reis and Edson Cezar

  • Evaluating the efficiency of numerical and data driven modeling in forecasting soil water content, by Efthymios Chrysanthopoulos, Christos Pouliaris, Ioannis Tsiroggianis, Kostas Markantonis, Petros Kofakis and Andreas Kallioras

  • Temporal dynamics of underground water resources in the eastern part of Romania between 1983-2020, by Boicu Daniel

Coffee break with mentors | 18:30 - 19:00 CET

 Urban Drainage | 19:00 - 20:00 CET

Hosts: José M. Carrillo and David Ferras

Chairs: José Anta and Sylvie Spraakman

José Anta

José Anta
Universidad de La Coruña

Sylvie Spraakman

Sylvie Spraakman

University of Toronto

Coffee break with mentors20:00 - 20:30 CET

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