The Journal of River Basin Management (JRBM) plays a specific role in promoting a cross-sectorial approach encompassing all aspects of river and floodplain management, with a truly global perspective. The Journal is a response by the scientific and professional community to the World Water Vision and calls for an integrated approach to water resources management.
IAHR members can access the latest issue online.
The fourth and last issue of volume 20 of JRBM is now available. Papers selected for publication have a variety of foci and show a variety of the modelling issues managers of river basins encounter. For example, one paper addresses the question of model generalisation, or how parameter values can be selected to ensure that the model can provide reliable predictions for events other than those used in calibration. Another paper addresses the question of how downstream flooding due to a dam break can be used to develop operating rules for a dam. A third topic, assessing sediment in rivers and entering dam reservoirs, is addressed in a number of papers. Each of these topics is very different but also very pertinent to the management of many river basins. Moreover, the international nature of these questions is shown by the author locations; authors of papers in this issue of JRBM come from Europe, Asia, Oceania, and North America. This issue is truly a must-read for anyone who is interested in river basin management.
Experimental study of the effect of submergence ratio of double submerged vanes on topography alterations and temporal evaluation of the maximum scour in a 180-degree bend with a bridge pier group
Neda Safaripour, Mohammad Vaghefi and Amin Mahmoudi
Pages: 427-441 | DOI: 10.1080/15715124.2020.1837144
Development of new composite index on channel sensitivity using AHP, FR and ensemble model and its application on the Mayurakshi river of Eastern India
Abhishek Ghosh and Ramkrishna Maiti
Pages: 443-460 | DOI: 10.1080/15715124.2021.1879092
Study of hydraulic gradient and velocity changes of unsteady flow through coarse porous media
Mohsen Safarian, Hadi Norouzi and Jalal Bazargan
Pages: 461-474 | DOI: 10.1080/15715124.2021.1879096
Assessing long-term evolution of the fine sediment budget in the Iffezheim reservoir: temporal upscaling of numerical simulations
Qing Zhang, Gudrun Hillebrand, Thomas Hoffmann and Reinhard Hinkelmann
Pages: 475-486 | DOI: 10.1080/15715124.2021.1885419
Effects of dam break on downstream dam and lands using GIS and Hec Ras: a decision basis for the safe operation of two successive dams
Ata Amini, Jamil Bahrami and Azad Miraki
Pages: 487-498 | DOI: 10.1080/15715124.2021.1901728
Bruzzano river mouth damage due to meteorological events
Caterina Canale, Giuseppe Barbaro, Giandomenico Foti, Olga Petrucci, Giovanni Besio and Giuseppina Chiara Barillà
Pages: 499-515 | DOI: 10.1080/15715124.2021.1901725
Vulnerability assessment of water resources using GIS, remote sensing and SWAT model – a case study: the upper part of Dong Nai river basin, Vietnam
Pham Hung, Trung Van Le, Phu Le Vo, Hung Cong Duong and Md. Mostafizur Rahman
Pages: 517-532 | DOI: 10.1080/15715124.2021.1901729
Early detection of riverine flooding events using the group method of data handling for the Bow River, Alberta, Canada
Mostafa Elkurdy, Andrew D. Binns, Hossein Bonakdari, Bahram Gharabaghi and Edward McBean
Pages: 533-544 | DOI: 10.1080/15715124.2021.1906261
Early stopping technique using a genetic algorithm for calibration of an urban runoff model
Phuong Cu Thi, James E. Ball and Ngoc Hung Dao
Pages: 545-554 | DOI: 10.1080/15715124.2021.1910517