The Journal of Hydraulic Research (JHR) publishes research papers in theoretical, experimental and computational hydraulics and fluid mechanics, relating to rivers, lakes, estuaries, coasts, constructed waterways, and some internal flows such as pipe flows. To reflect current trends in water research, articles that explore outcomes of interdisciplinary hydro-environment studies with a strong fluid mechanical component are especially welcome. Although preference is given to fundamental issues, papers focusing on important unconventional or emerging applications of broad interest are also appreciated.
IAHR members can access the latest issue online.
On the equations of open channel flow
William Guerin Gray and Cass Timothy Miller
Pages 1-17 | DOI: 10.1080/00221686.2022.2106597
Sensitivity analysis of a three-dimensional simulation of turbidity currents in a sloping flume
Ruoyin Zhang, Baosheng Wu and Bangwen Zhang
Pages 18-33 | DOI: 10.1080/00221686.2022.2106590
Global linear stability analysis of flow inside an axial swirl generator with a rotating vortex rope
Zeinab Seifi, Mehrdad Raisee and Michel J Cervantes
Pages 34-50 | DOI: 10.1080/00221686.2022.2106591
Air-water flow in a plain stilling basin below smooth and stepped chutes
Ivan Stojmic, Michael Pfister, Jorge Matos and Anton J. Schleiss
Pages 51-66 | DOI:10.1080/00221686.2022.2106593
Transport equation for nonuniform suspended sediment
Baozhen Jia, Lei Zhang and Deyu Zhong
Pages 67-87 | DOI: 10.1080/00221686.2022.2106594
Three-dimensional numerical modelling of floods in river corridor with complex vegetation quantified using airborne LiDAR imagery
Keisuke Yoshida, Yuki Kajikawa, Satoshi Nishiyama, MD. Touhidul Islam, Shin Adachi and Koichi Sakai
Pages: 88-108 | DOI:10.1080/00221686.2022.2106596
Self-similar solutions of shallow water equations with porosity
Vincent Guinot, Carole Delenne and Sandra Soares-Frazao
Pages: 109-119 | DOI:10.1080/00221686.2022.2106598
Energy dissipation in a rapid filling vertical pipe with traped air
Ling Zhou, Yanqing Lu, Bryan Karney, Guoying Wu, Alain Elong and Kun Huang
Pages: 120-132 | DOI:10.1080/00221686.2022.2132309
Flow development in rough-bed open channels: mean velocities, turbulence statitstics, velocity spectra, and secondary currents
Andrea Zampiron, Stuart M. Cameron, Mark T. Steward, Ivan Marusic and Vladimir I. Nikora
Pages: 133-144 | DOI:10.1080/00221686.2022.2132311
Prototype air-water flow measurements in D-type hydraulic jumps
Hang Wang, Rongcai Tang, Zhongtian Bai, Shanjun Liu, Wei Sang and Ruidi Bai
Pages: 145-161 | DOI:10.1080/00221686.2022.2132310
Influence of erosion on piping in terms of field conditions By G. Hoffmans, J. Hydraulic Res. 59(3), 512–522. 2020.
Joost Pol
Pages: 162-164 | DOI:10.1080/00221686.2022.2132307
Closure to “Influence of erosion on piping in terms of field conditions” by GIJS HOFFMANS, J. Hydraulic Res. 59(3), 512–522. 2020.
Gijs Hoffmans
Pages: 164-167 | DOI:10.1080/00221686.2022.2132308
Correction to: modelling sediment transport in three-phase surface water systems
Cass T. Miller, William G. Gray, Christopher E. Kess, Iryna V. Rybak and Britanny J. Shepherd
Pages: 168-171 | DOI:10.1080/00221686.2022.2107580