Global Water Institutes Meeting

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The meeting is to be held in the frame of the 40th IAHR World Congress in Vienna, Austria.

Location: Hall E. Austria Center, Vienna, Austria
Date: Monday 21 August 2023
Time: 14:00 - 16:00 h CEST

Hydro-environment engineering and research institutes accelerate knowledge and solutions to address the most pressing water-related issues. These great challenges of our times are well-embodied in the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which is a call to action to improve societal and economic well-being, whilst tackling climate change and preserving our natural resources. It is recognised that water is an essential enabler to reach these ambitious goals with SDG 6 being specifically dedicated to ensuring availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.

40th IAHR World Congress. Vienna, Austria | 21-25 August 2023Mid-term review: achievements to date

As we move through 2023, which is the mid-term review of the 15-year SDG implementation path, it is important to reflect on the achievements to date and to look at the path ahead, with particular focus on the contributions of hydro-environment engineering and research institutes: What are the latest trends to achieve these goals with respect to research, solutions and innovations in the hydro-environment community? How are and how should the major institutes of the world contribute to the SDGs? What pathways for the coming years?

This meeting brings together the world’s hydro-environment engineering and research institutes, to share experiences, highlight the latest innovations and trends, and build partnerships.

The event is a must, for any individual or organisation wishing to gain a more comprehensive overview of how the hydro-environment institutes of the world are contributing to the SDGs, as well as what work priorities and research agendas they envisage in the coming years.


  • Co-Moderators
    Tom Soo. Executive Director, IAHR
    Florian Borgwardt. BOKU

  • 14:00-14:05 | Welcome and Introduction
    Amparo López. Vice-President, IAHR

  • 14:05-14:30 | Keynote "The role of water-related institutes in the drive towards SDG targets"
    Mette Vestergaard. CEO, DHI Group

  • 14:30-15:30 | Panel Discussion
    Stefan Felder. UNSW Global Water Institute (UNSW GWI), Australia
    Peng Jing. Institute for Water and Hydropower Research (IWHR), China
    Won Kim. Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology (KICT), Korea
    Ellis Penning. Deltares, Netherlands
    Áurea Perucho. Centre for Studies and Research on Public Works (CEDEX), Spain
    Pablo Santoro. Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Environmental Engineering (IMFIA), Uruguay
    Mette Vestergaard. CEO, DHI Group, Denmark

  • 15:30-15:35 | Worldwide directory of hydro-environment institutes

  • 15:35-16:00 | Open interaction with all participating institutes

  • 16:00 | Closing

Worldwide directory of hydro-environment institutes

Further to Vienna’s meeting, the intention is to build a platform of exchange among institutes in order to facilitate contact and exchanges and give exposure to institutes works. In addition, we aim to publish a worldwide directory of hydro-environment engineering institutes during the following months.

If you would like to know more about this directory and get involved, please let us know.

GET INVOLVED in the directory

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