IAHR-Spain Water Workshop | Flood Risk Management. Digital approaches for hydrological monitoring and forecasting in basin organisations

Flood Risk Management. Digital approaches for hydrological monitoring and forecasting in basin organisations


IAHR-Spain Water Workshop

Flood Risk Management. Digital approaches for hydrological monitoring and forecasting in basin organisations

Thursday, 27 April 2023 | 16:00 - 18:30 h. CEST

Información en ESPAÑOL  Highlights: key messages and conclusions  Watch ON DEMAND!  Presentations


Floods are amongst the most significant natural disasters countries can face in the world and Spain is no exception, with impacts on economies, food security and agriculture, infrastructures, as well as lives and livelihoods. The Spanish Insurance Compensation Consortium (Consorcio de Compensación de Seguros. CCS) estimates that flooding, in Spain, is the cause of 69 out of 100 euros paid in compensation to property damage alone.  In the context of the latest and most accurate climate predictions of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), rainfall and flood events in Spain and other countries risks are occurring even more frequently and with higher intensity.

In addition to the existing knowledge on flood management approaches and tools being used, what new and emerging trends can boost the effectiveness of our flood preparedness and response?  In the age of exponentially growing data, remote sensing, and computing technologies, digital advances are clear opportunities for improving water modelling, precision forecasting, risk management, interconnecting related water systems and more.

In the framework of the Spanish strategic projects for economic recovery and transformation  of digitalitation (Proyectos Estratégicos para la Recuperación y Transformación Económica “PERTE”), and in particular to the PERTE related to digitalisation of water management in Spain and in the context of urban expansion, development of transport infrastructures and others human activities, all with repercussions on the natural environment, this event seeks to bring and share experiences, knowledge, management techniques and technologies regarding digital approaches to flood risk management from Spanish basin authorities and some outside countries. Its objective is to boost awareness and improve best practices in digital approaches for flood management, create relationships and provide opportunities to use digital technologies in the field of flood management.

Programme (16:00 - 18:30 h.)

Presentation and welcome words (16:00 - 16:15 h.)

International contributions (16:15 - 17:15 h.)

  • Transnational cooperation for effective and operational flood risk management: Exchange of data, forecasting and warning in the Sava River Basin

    Mirza Sarač. International Sava River Basin Commission (hosted in Croatia)

  • Using Digital Products during Flood situations

    Siebolt Folkertsma. Rijkswaterstaat (The Netherlands)

  • The IMAGe early warning system for flood forecasting in major rivers of the Veneto Region (North of Italy)

    Daniele Pietro Viero. University of Padova (Italy)

  • Piura Digital Flood Risk Prevention, Peru - River Flood Protection & Storm Urban Drainage, Yaku & El Niño Extreme Flood Events

    Cesar Alvarado Ancieta. International Freelancer Expert. Team Leader. Chairman Panel of IAHR Experts, Peru

  • The Wonder of Nature: Application of Nature based Solutions for Flood Risk Reduction 

    Vidya Samadi. Director of Clemson Hydrosystem & Hydroinformatics Research (HHR) Group, Clemson University, USA 

Roundtable: implementation needs in Spain (17:15 - 18:00 h.)

  • Presentaciones y reflexiones sobre del estado de los SAIH-SAT-SAD en las cuencas hidrográficas de Galicia Costa, Cantábrico, Ebro y Júcar (17:15 - 17:45 h.)

    Moderated by Fernando Pastor. General Directorate for Water, Spain

    Esther Ruiz. Confederación Hidrográfica del Ebro

    Francisco Javier Ferrer. Confederación Hidrográfica de Júcar

    Jesús Ángel Luengo García. Confederación Hidrográfica del Cantábrico

    Isabel Vila Vilariño. Aguas de Galicia

  • Presentación sobre contenidos del observatorio del agua en España (17:45 - 18:00 h.)

    Alberto Irigoyen. General Directorate for Water, Spain

Closing (18:00 - 18:15 h.)

Organisation and contact

IAHR Secretariat and Spain Water  
Centro de Estudios Hidrográficos del CEDEX
Paseo Bajo Virgen del Puerto, 3
28005 Madrid. Spain
Tel: +34 91 335 79 08

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