Prof. Dr Robert Ettema (Colorado State University, USA), IAHR Vice President
1. Dr Alastair G. Barnett (HYDRA Software Ltd, New Zealand), Chair of the IAHR Technical Committee on Flood Risk Management
2. Prof. A. Baquerizo (University of Granada, Spain)
3. Dr M. Bermúdez (University of Granada, Spain)
4. Dr Ir. Sébastien Erpicum (Liège University, Belgium), Chair of the IAHR Technical Committee on Hydraulic Structures
5. Prof. Roger Falconer (Cardiff University, UK), Chair of the IAHR Working Group on Global Water Security
6. Prof. M. Clavero (University of Granada, Spain)
7. Prof. J.M. Civantos (University of Granada, Spain)
8. Dr Ing. Eva Fenrich (Esslingen University of Applied Sciences, Germany), Chair of the IAHR Technical Committee on Education and Professional Development
9. Prof. M. Díez (University of Granada, Spain)
10. Prof. Rui M.L. Ferreira (Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal), Chair of the IAHR Technical Committee on Experimental Methods and Instrumentation
11. Prof. M. Losada (University of Granada)
12. Adj. Prof. Angelos N. Findikakis (Bechtel Global Corporation and Stanford University, USA), Chair of the IAHR Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals
13. Prof. Gabriele Freni (Università Di Enna Kore, Italy), Chair of the IAHR/IWA/IAHS Joint Committee on Hydroinformatics
14. Ana María García Fletcher (General Directorate of Coasts, Spain)
15. David López Gómez (Centre of Hydrographic Studies of CEDEX, Spain)
16. Prof. Harindra Joseph Fernando (University of Notre Dame, USA), Chair of the IAHR Technical Committee on Fluid Mechanics
17. Dr Kamal El Kadi Abderrezzak (Electricité de France, Division R&D, France), Chair of the IAHR Working Group on Reservoir Sedimentation
18. Dr Elpida Kolokytha (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece), Chair of the IAHR Technical Committee on Water Resources Management
19. Dr Moez Louati (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
20. Fernando Magdaleno Mas (General Directorate of Water, Spain)
21. Dr Daniela Molinari (Politecnico di Milano, Italy), Vice Chair of the IAHR Technical Committee on Flood Risk Management
22. Prof. A. Moñino (University of Granada, Spain)
23. Prof. J. Martín (University of Granada, Spain)
24. Prof. Silvia Meniconi (The University of Perugia, Italy)
25. Prof. A. Millares (University of Granada)
26. Prof. Em. Arthur Mynett (IHE Delft Institute for Water Education, Netherlands), Chair of the
IAHR Technical Committee on Global Water Issues
27. Prof. L. Nanía (University of Granada, Spain)
28. Prof. M. Ortega (University of Granada, Spain)
29. Dr André Paquier (INRAE, France), Chair of the IAHR Technical Committee on Fluvial Hydraulics
30. Prof. P. Ortiz (University of Granada, Spain)
31. Dr Paolo Paron (IHE Delft Institute for Water Education, Netherlands), Chair of the IAHR Working Group on Drones
32. Prof. Dr Roberto Ranzi (Università Degli Studi di Brescia, Italy), Chair of the IAHR Technical Committee on Climate Change Adaptation
33. Prof. J.M. Poyatos (University of Granada, Spain)
34. Prof. Stefan Riedelbauch (Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machinery, Germany), Chair of the IAHR Technical Committee on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems
35. Prof. E. Sánchez (University of Granada, Spain)
36. José Francisco Sánchez (Centre for Harbours and Coastal Studies of CEDEX, Spain)
37. Prof. Michael Stewardson (University of Melbourne, Australia), Chair of the IAHR Technical Committee on Ecohydraulics
38. Dr James Sutherland (HR Wallingford, UK), Chair of the IAHR Technical Committee on Coastal and Maritime Hydraulics
39. Dr Mathew Wood (HR Wallingford, UK), Chair of the IAHR/IWA Technical Committee on Marine Outfalls Systems